It would be disingenuous to claim that this is great art. 称这是艺术瑰宝是言不由衷。
It would be disingenuous of me to claim I had never seen it. 要说我从未看到过,那就是言不由衷了。
Grandstanding on topics you know little about makes you disingenuous& your deception oozes from every paragraph to an informed reader. 在自己知之甚少的话题上哗众取宠,会让读者感觉你不诚实&在有见地的读者眼中,你的每一段文字都透露着欺骗。
It's easy to satirize Silicon Valley's over-earnest desire to change the world. It's also fair to ask if the desire is disingenuous, since change doesn't necessarily imply for the better. 要挖苦硅谷那股热情过头的改变世界的愿望很容易,质疑这种愿望是不是虚伪夸大也不无道理,因为改变并不必定意味着更好。
But Chinese analysts say there is concern among Chinese officials and the public that the U.S. is being disingenuous when it say its refocus on Asia isn't designed to contain China's influence. 但中国的分析人士说,中国官员和民众担心,美国有关其重返亚洲并非为抑制中国影响力的说法缺乏诚意。
Even so, much of what Mr Obama said was disingenuous. 抛开这些,奥巴马大部分的发言也是没有诚意的。
The blame game is, however, rather disingenuous, since the insular, casino-like Shanghai and Shenzhen markets have so far exhibited hardly any correlation with either the mature or emerging markets outside china. 这种指责了无真意是游戏一场上海和深圳市场既孤立又像赌场迄今为止根本没有展示出与中国境外成熟或新兴市场的任何关联。
I am not saying BPMS vendors are disingenuous in trying to sell you a BPMS under the argument that it actually does that. 我并不是说BPMS厂商毫无诚意地试图向你推销一个说得比唱得好听的BPMS。
The book is entertaining, meandering and at times disingenuous. 这本书很有趣,也很调侃,并且有时,不那么真诚。
Nevertheless, it would be disingenuous to suggest that foraging is always straight-forward and easy. 然而,将觅食认为总是直接而容易的行动却是虚伪的表现。
It is therefore disingenuous to complain too vigorously when those same foreign governments become good at doing it back. 因此,当这些外国政府变得擅于渗透(电脑网络)时,过分高调抱怨显得有些虚伪。
But this is disingenuous. 但是这是虚伪的。
It is disingenuous of him to flatter me. 他对我阿谀奉承,是居心叵测。
The quality of being disingenuous and lacking candor. 无诚意或坦白直率的品质。
The summer is over, markets and economies are fragile and an almighty fight over global financial rules has begun; bankers and policymakers should spare us the rhetoric and disingenuous arguments, and finally get serious. 夏季结束了,市场和经济萎靡不振,一场关于全球金融规则的激烈辩论已经开始;银行家和政策制定者不应再泛泛而谈,进行言不由衷的辩解,而是应该终于变得认真起来。
However disingenuous you may consider such a remark to be, it is to be hoped that there is a large kernel of truth in there because, to put it euphemistically, 2009 will be one of the most interesting years bankers have seen. 不管你觉得这种言论多么没有诚意,我们还是希望,这句话的主要内容是真实的,因为委婉地说,2009年将会是银行家所见过的最有意思的年份之一。
If you're at all disingenuous, it's over. 如果你不是全心全意,那就完了。
This is at best disingenuous and does not justify a failure to inform and consult people. 这充其量不过是种言不由衷的辩解,不能成为未提醒用户和未征询用户意见的理由。
It would be disingenuous to claim that we hadn't suspected them. 要是说我们当时还没有怀疑他们,那就是言不由衷了。
More than that, I need to understand the framework: I am not a bad or particularly disingenuous person. 更重要的是,我需要了解原则问题:我不是个坏人或特别虚伪的人。
Reaching out to people immediately after news breaks of layoffs at your company can seem disingenuous. 等裁员的消息出来才立刻去求助于人,这会让人觉得你虚伪。
She was carefully disingenuous and told them only what they wanted to hear. 她留心没有坦白到底,只把她们想听的告诉他们。
He wasn't being disingenuous. 他并非是不诚恳。
Reaching out to people immediately after news breaks of layoffs at your company can seem disingenuous. It's best to connect with other professionals when they won't feel pressured by your request. 在公司下岗的消息一出来,立刻去求助于人,这看上去虚伪,最好的时候是在人们没有你请求压力的时候。
His brother Shura with staring disingenuous eyes was plotting to master the world. 他那长着一对狡诈眼睛的哥哥瑞拉,处心积虑图谋征服整个世界。
They are often disingenuous. 它们经常是别有用心。
To stand up to these disingenuous attacks, Mr Obama needs to explain why his policies will not result in a more intrusive state or a less flexible economy. 要想回击这些居心叵测的抨击,奥巴马必须解释清楚:为何自己的政策不会造成政府进一步干预,或经济灵活度下降。
So calling for Chinese firms to invest their savings is a bit disingenuous. 因此,呼吁中国企业将储蓄用于投资,未免有点不够真诚。
Although the underlying trend in commodity prices unquestionably reflects tight supply and voracious Chinese demand, it is disingenuous to claim that the substantial inflows to commodity funds have had no impact on prices. 尽管大宗商品价格的根本趋势无疑反映了供应紧张和中国的旺盛需求,但不能因此就昧着良心声称资金大规模流入大宗商品基金对价格没有任何影响。
It is equally disingenuous to portray the treaty as a purely administrative exercise to cope with enlargement. 把该条约描述成应对欧盟扩张的、纯粹的行政做法也同样危险。