The diskless method of provisioning the compute nodes is used, whereby the nodes boot from the management node. 对计算节点的供应采用的是无磁盘的方法,计算节点从管理节点引导。
This article does not cover setup for a diskless workstation that is booted over a LAN or considerations for using a live CD or DVD Linux system. 通过LAN引导的无盘工作站的设置和使用liveCD或DVDLinux系统的考虑事项不在本文讨论范围之内。
Similarly, a diskless or dataless client defined with an IPv6 address will fail to boot. 同样,用IPv6地址定义的无磁盘或无数据客户机无法启动。
To create the root image for diskless provisioning 要为无磁盘供应创建根映像
In this situation, diskless nodes can be preferable as they run using the local processor and memory. 在这种情况下,无磁盘节点是合适的,因为它们使用本地处理器和内存运行应用程序。
Booting from SAN can also simplify data center administration, improve disaster tolerance, and reduce total cost of ownership ( TCO) through diskless servers. 从SAN启动还可以简化数据中心的管理,提高灾难恢复能力,由于服务器没有磁盘,还降低了总拥有成本(TCO)。
Generate the root images for diskless boot 为无磁盘引导生成根映像
The Entire Volume of Straw to Field Dry Diskless Throwing Yield 700kg/ 667m~ 2 Groups of Indicators and Precise Quantitative Cultivation Techniques 麦秸全量还田旱育无盘抛秧单产700kg/667m~2群体指标及精确定量栽培技术
Implement and Improvement on Data Security Scheme of Dynamic Distributed Diskless Network Storage 动态分布式无盘网络数据安全解决方案设计与改进
You can even use it on a diskless computer, the whole system being loaded in RAM. 你甚至可以用在无盘计算机上,整个系统是在RAM中加载。
Methods The Founder E& E diskless terminals technology was applied to the hospital information system. 方法:采用方正双翼无盘终端技术应用于医院信息系统。
Proponents claim the diskless NCs are easier and cheaper to maintain than PCs because control over hardware and software is centralized. 支持者们称,由于对软硬件是集中控制的,故维护无盘NC比维护PC更容易、更便宜。
The Study and Application in Diskless Dry Nursery No-tillage Throwing of Rice The Effects of Non-plate Seedling-throwing Agents "Han-yu-bao-mu" on Seedling Character and Rice Output 水稻无盘旱育免耕抛秧技术研究及应用抛秧剂旱育保姆对秧苗素质和产量的影响
Diskless technical details, there is need to look at, or very helpful! 无盘技术详细介绍,有需要的可以看一看,还是很有帮助的!
The remote boot and configuration technology of Windows NT diskless workstation WINDOWSnt无盘工作站的远程引导与配置技术
Installing the diskless workstation of PCI card in the windows NT network WINDOWSnt网中安装PCI网卡无盘工作站
The improved algorithm that uses the fastness of diskless checkpointing and the reliability of disk checkpointing, and reduces a backup processor and can tolerate two concurrent failures, one in the application processor and another in the checkpointing processor. 改进的算法利用了无盘检查点方案的快速及磁盘检查点的高可靠性,减少了一台备份处理机,并且可容忍一个应用进程及一个检查点进程的两个并发错误。
The Diskless Network Based Windows Operation System 基于Windows操作系统的无盘网络技术
Setup of Win 98 Diskless Network Based on Win 2000& PXE 基于Win2000和PXE的无盘Win98网络的安装
This paper presents the setup of Windows 98 diskless network based on Windows 2000& PXE. 本文较为详细地阐述了基于Windows2000和PXE的Windows98无盘网络的安装。
This paper has introduced the principle of the PXE protocol, and how to build PXE between windows NT server and client ′ s diskless workstation, then bootstrapping windows 98 and running utilities from client's terminal. 本文介绍了PXE协议的基本原理,以及怎样在WINDOWSnt服务器与无盘客户端间建立PXE,从而在客户端引导windows98与应用程序。
A Way of Diskless Workstation Accessing Internet by Dial-up Network 无盘工作站利用拨号网络访问Internet的一种方法
Diskless and Networking Control For Embed System 网络无盘化控制嵌入式工控机
The two automatic logon methods of pci network card diskless workstation are studied in Novell Netware 4.1 network operating system. They are realized by making use of C program and logon draft commands of netware operating system. 研究了两种在NOVELLNetWare4.1网络操作系统环境下,利用C语言编程和NetWare操作系统登录草稿的命令来实现PCI网卡无盘工作站自动登录上网的方法。
This paper introduced the installation of Linux diskless workstation Step by step, Including the details of the installation and configuration of both The server and the client. 以SlackwareLinux36为例,详细介绍了Linux无盘工作站的安装技术,包括Server端和Client端的详细安装和配置步骤。
Deployment of Linux Diskless Workstation in Experiment Teaching Linux无盘工作站在实验教学中的使用