
英 [ˌdɪsəˈbeɪz] 美 [ˌdɪsəˈbeɪz]

v.  不服从; 不顺从; 违抗


  1. VERB 不服从;违抗
    When someone disobeys a person or an order, they deliberately do not do what they have been told to do.
    1. ...a naughty boy who often disobeyed his mother and father...
    2. He urged Russian soldiers to disobey orders if asked to fire on civilian targets...
    3. They were threatened with punishment if they disobeyed.


  1. When withdrawing clarino goes up, son can't help holding back the pride of victory, he disobeys his father's words. What's more, fierce desire drives him to draw the arrow out.
  2. It means that the accused will lose in lawsuit if he cannot prove the related elements, which obviously disobeys the presumption of innocence.
  3. The administrators retain the right to cancel the registration of any user that disobeys community guidelines;
  4. He who disobeys will be punished with six strokes of the whip.
  5. But the opponents think that this theory has protected the third person who is malicious in the transaction, and has disobeys the equity and justice.
  6. When a soldier disobeys a superior's orders, he puts everyone at risk.
  7. If Party B disobeys the rule and cause damage to vehicle or lead to any accident, all the expenses incurred shall be borne by Party B.
  8. The Securities Association of China shall implement self-discipline management concerning investment managers, if any investment manager disobeys the related provisions, the Securities Association of China shall adopt the related measures according to the specific situation.
  9. The counter-moral education phenomenon which disobeys the moral education goal in the elementary and middle schools education appear frequently.
  10. "Inaction" means not to do anything that disobeys natural law, damages the moral norm, infringes the social principle or does harm to the creatures, instead of doing nothing;
  11. But there are special circumstances involved here, one of which is that no rational economic actor disobeys an order from his wife.
  12. Wilfully disobeys a lawful and reasonable order;
  13. The party concerned, who disobeys precontractual obligations on purpose or by mistake before the contract goes into effect and results in the failure, effectiveness, change and cancellation of the contract, will take liability for culpa in contrahendo.
  14. However, once the administrator's exertion of power disobeys the law, the restriction of the administrator will become a formidable task.
  15. The object that disobeys action of public security government is to point to "public security management punishs byelaw" what protect, and the human relations in society that runs behavior place enroach on to violate public order.
  16. This process is never completed, but it disobeys the law of diminishing returns.
  17. The child often disobeys his mother.
  18. The life curve of the electrical equipment is different from life curve of the electronic product and it disobeys the exponential distribution.
  19. Decision subject disobeys decision procedures;
  20. In the value accounting of water resources, traditional economics mainly cares about water quantity, but makes light of and neglects water quality, which not only wastes water quality resources, but also disobeys the law of value on the use and protection of environmental resources.
  21. In fact, it disobeys the passive and neutral nature of judicature, and causes the judicial authority loss.
  22. The liability is that in the contract process, since a party disobeys the principles of honesty and credibility, the first contractual obligations is led to be assumed by the loss of interest to others trust liability.
  23. Datong's population expressed a huge population growth under the condition that natural condition and resources was bad, which should be said that it is a result that disobeys the natural normal.
  24. The author thinks it is the reading pictures times that improves the value of news aesthetic whereas deepens the degree of news amusement which disobeys the essence of news.
  25. Pointing at a complaint that a patient signing before surgical operations disobeys humane care in clinic, the paper puts forward that respecting the subject situation and freedom right of patients manifests the essence of humane care.
  26. The exclusionary rule of illegally obtained evidence is invalid and can't be adopted in court, for it disobeys the proceedings of law.
  27. The modus operandi in the long historical practice will be the universal rules and the constitutional tradition unless it disobeys the constitutional law.
  28. During this process, many problems arise inevitably, which disobeys the idea of law, such as media trial, news tort and so on.
  29. Once the humanity can square this understanding manner, does complies with matter of the natural law, does not do has disobeys matter of the natural law, then all ecological damage and the environmental deterioration question will certainly to be solved along with it easily.
  30. Disobeys the filial piety the phenomenon to emerge one after another incessantly, Chinese tradition filial piety Germany is facing the serious crisis in the present age.