The action was not offensive to him but proved somewhat disobliging. 那种行为对他并非无礼,但的确有些不友好。
A disobliging temper carries its own punishment along with it. 冷酷无情必受其罚。
The rivalry even makes itself felt at a personal level: American tourists in Paris often complain that they are singled out for disobliging treatment. 这种对抗甚至在百姓中也能感觉到。美国旅游者在巴黎常常抱怨惟独是他们受到冷遇。
Her heart instantaneously at ease on this point, she resolved to lose no time in particular examination of anything, as she greatly dreaded disobliging the general by any delay. 她在这一点上放心以后,便决定不再耽误时间去细看什么东西,因为她唯恐拖拖拉拉会惹得将军不高兴。
He had a somewhat spiteful and disobliging nature. 他生性较喜欢怀恨,不太肯通融。
The action was not offensive to him but proved somewhat disobliging. Nowadays, presenting an apple to the teacher is interpreted as a gesture of goodwill or as an element of bribery. 那种行为对他并非无礼,但的确有些不友好。现在,给老师送苹果被理解为是一种友好的或带有行贿成分的行为。
Sorry to be so disobliging, but I have no money to lend you. 很抱歉,爱莫能助,我没有钱借给你。