Then use RUNSTATS to monitor the level of disorganization of the data, and in combination with your desired frequency of running REORG, adjust the PCTFREE up or down as necessary. 然后使用RUNSTATS监控数据失序的程度,再考虑您期望运行REORG的频率,对PCTFREE进行必要的上下调整。
In other words, you create your own crises by your own actions and disorganization. 换句话说,由于你自己的行为和组织混乱,造成了自身的时间管理危机。
The minutes of the Incident Management System were made available along with PowerPoint files and other documents by an expert who said the disorganization of the Ebola effort should be made public. 一名专家提供了突发事件管理系统的会议记录、演示文稿,以及其他文件,这名专家表示,应该让公众知道埃博拉应对工作的混乱状态。
Bad habits like disorganization, wasting time, and being too talkative can make you an extremely inefficient worker. 杂乱、浪费时间、话多的坏习惯让你效率底下。
Regional monetary cooperation is a new thing emerged after disorganization of Bretton Wodds System. 区域货币合作是布雷顿森林体系解体后出现的新事物。
Distress and dysfunction and disorganization to triumph. 从困难、紊乱、不团结到成功。
Emile Durkhem has attributed the social anomie to three reasons such as the danger of social disorganization, the damage of abnormal social division of labor on social solidarity and the threat on organic solidarity. 涂尔干把社会失范的原因归结为三个方面,即社会解组的危险、反常分工对社会团结的破坏作用和有机团结受到威胁;
Thrown into a state of disorganization or incoherence. 被抛进一种混乱或无序的状态之中的。
After the reform and opening, its disorganization did not attribute to the decline of collective economy; by contraries, it should attribute to the loss of political impulse to a great extent. 改革开放后,其解体并不完全归因于集体经济的衰落,而是在更大程度上由于没有了强大的政治推动。
Well, it says here that as the universe expands all matter is slowly degenerating into a state of total disorganization. 哦,这篇文章说,随着大学的扩招,所有的事情慢慢地退化,变成一团糟。
Analysis and Thoughts of the Boys 'Disorganization in Physical Class 对学校体育课中男生失范行为的分析与思考
Normally the processes of disorganization and organization may be thought of as in reciprocal relationship to each other. 一般情况下,解体与组结可看作是两个互补的过程。
Everything from ignorant people to poor planning and disorganization can inflict stress on a person. 一切从人民的无知和规划不善,造成混乱的人能在一个压力。
In the ministries and departments of the Central Government the greatest disorganization was apparent. The government encourages use of the Internet for the dissemination of government information. 中央政府各部中存在着很显著的严重混乱现象。政府鼓励各部门利用互联网发布政府消息。
Poor: General appearance reflects disorganization and poor housekeeping practices. 不好的:外观杂乱无章、不清洁。
The result is immorality and delinquency; in short, personal and social disorganization. 其后果便是道德堕落与犯罪现象,简言之,就是个人的与社会的解组。
Higher concentration of Cd 2+ aggravated the damage, making chloroplast membranes disappear and chloroplasts disintegrate, mitochondrion mesenchyme dissolve and mitochondria be on the verge of disorganization, and nucleolus chromatin agglutinate and merge into cytoplasm. 高浓度镉处理使破坏程度加重,叶绿体被膜消失和叶绿体解体;线粒体间质溶解,濒临解体;
I know I've forgotten things due to disorganization, so this year I'm taking the time to stay organized. 我知道由于混乱而有些事情会忘记去做,所以,今年,我将花时间保持有组织化。
Kate S.Brown, a professional organizer in Sarasota, Fla., says some of her clients who struggle with disorganization do better when she has them buy new files that are aesthetically appealing. 凯特•布朗(KateS.Brown)是佛罗里达州萨拉索塔市(Sarasota)的一位规划专家,她说给缺乏条理性的客户买好看的文件夹能促使他们做出更大的改进。
Objective To study the influence of stress-relaxation plate on disorganization and repair of the cortex under the plate. 目的探讨应力松驰接骨板对局部皮质骨结构紊乱和修复的影响。
Religion had an effect on the Soviet Union's disorganization and eastern revulsion. 宗教在东欧剧变和苏联解体的过程中起到了一定的作用。
Commercial law existed in the form of rule of custom or autonomy before disorganization of feudal natural economy. 在封建自然经济解体之前,商法只能以习惯法、商人自治法的形式存在。
All the matters mentioned above reflect a situation of disorganization and blindness during the development and competition of regional economy. 诸多问题集中反映了区域经济发展与竞争的无序性和盲目性。
Institutional disappearance and practice disorganization is the impetus to study relevant legal problems of enterprise trusteeship. 制度性缺失导致的实践失范是研究企业托管相关法律问题的动力所在。概念界定的混乱是研究企业托管所碰到的第一个难题。
Bump influence the flight weightily, lightness then bring airplane wobble yaw, weightiness then engender plane disorganization. 颠簸对飞行的影响至关重要,轻则引起航行中的飞机摆动偏航,重则造成飞机解体。
Performance self-talk and deep processing strategy predict academic achievement positively, while self-rewards and disorganization are opposite. 表现目标唤起和深层策略正向预测成绩,自我奖赏和无策略则相反。
There are performances of cortex and hippocampus neuron loss, disorganization and small vessel hyperplasia in OSAS rats. OSAS大鼠皮质及海马区有神经元缺失、排列紊乱及脑小血管增生表现。
The vessel internal membrane of IH group is obviously discontinuity disorganization. IH组血管内膜内可见连续性中断结构紊乱。
After SCI the spinal cord results in a series of tissue disorganization, apoptosis, necrosis and cavitation formation. SCI后脊髓损伤区将出现组织结构破坏、细胞凋亡坏死,损伤区囊性空洞形成等一系列复杂的病理生理变化。