No one spoke disparagingly of her father in her hearing. 没有人在她跟前说过她父亲的坏话。
There is a limit to these sources, which professional venture capitalists disparagingly called the "three Fs"& family, friends and fools. 这种资金来源是有缺陷的,专业的风险投资家将他们称为“三F”&即家庭(Family)、朋友(Friends)和蠢蛋(Fools)。
He gestures disparagingly towards an old adding-machine style terminal in a corner of the apartment that was formerly used for punching in numbers and getting paper receipts. 他轻蔑地指着公寓一角的旧加法机式样的终端过去曾被用来敲打数字和获取纸质收据。
Speaking disparagingly of people in front of their friends. 在别人的朋友印前说一些瞧不起他的话。