A disproportionate amount of time was devoted to one topic 纠缠在同一个话题上的时间太长了。
This sentence is totally disproportionate to the alleged offence. 从所犯罪行来看,这一量刑完全不合理。
A vastly disproportionate burden falls on women for child care 照料孩子的重担落在了女性身上。
She had given me a gift disproportionate to anything that I had ever donated. 她给我的远比我曾经捐过的任何东西都值钱。
A and B have disproportionate sizes in the figure to emphasize that the applications need not be identical. 在图中A和B采用不同大小的图形,以此强调应用程序不必相同。
Indigenous peoples still experience racism, poor health and disproportionate poverty. 土著人民仍然遭受种族主义、健康欠佳和不成比例的贫困之苦。
Yet even in the face of this historically disproportionate aggression, countries around the world have offered support and asylum. 然而,即使是在面对这种具历史性的、不相称的侵略行为时,世界多国仍为我提供支持和庇护。
You may find that you have a disproportionate number of clicks compared to your open rates. 您可能会发现你有一个不相称的点击数量比您打开率。
We all have those few customers, clients and friends that cause a disproportionate amount of our stress. 我们每个人都有那么几个客户或朋友,造成我们或多或少的压力。
This relationship has given the US company disproportionate influence on Foxconn's operations. 这种关系使这家美国公司对富士康的运营具有超出比例的影响。
But gas has a disproportionate dynamical role. 但是,气体具有不成比例的动力学角色。
The idea seems to be that rich countries should bear a disproportionate cost of protective actions that benefit all. 因此,似乎富国应在有利于所有国家的保护行动中承担大部分成本。
So there's an apparent disproportionate amount of HIV/ AIDS there, and it's very severe. 因此,那里的HIV/AIDS数量很明显不成比例,情况很严重。
As a consequence, job losses were disproportionate to the decline in output. 因此,工作流失与产出的下滑不成比例。
My workload is already disproportionate to my salary. 我的工作量已经和原先的薪水不成正比了。
We believe that the20 second penalty imposed on Michael to be disproportionate in the circumstances. 我们相信加在迈克尔身上的20秒处罚是完全不合适的。
Some CDM decisions have had a disproportionate negative impact on Least Developed Countries. 某些清洁发展机制决策对最不发达国家具有较大的负面影响。
They suddenly found out that they had spend a disproportionate amount of their money on clothing. 他们忽然发现他们花在衣物上的钱太多了。
Wealth management in Asia is also a disproportionate growth driver for some global investment banks. 对一些全球性投资银行来说,亚洲的财富管理业务也是一个异常强大的增长推动器。
These are definitely not equally spaced, be even more disproportionate but they should than I have shown it. 它们必然不是被均分的,并且会比我所展示出来的,显得更不均匀。
There is something dangerous and disproportionate in its place in human nature, for whatever reason. 不管怎样,人性自身存在着某些危险的和不相称的东西。
That means changes in residential investment have a disproportionate impact on rates of GDP growth. 也就是说,住宅投资的变化会给gdp增长带来极大的影响。
In addition, savers should not pay a disproportionate share of the cost of this recession. 此外,储蓄者也不应为这场衰退付出过高的代价。
But the increase in obesity has had a disproportionate impact on Americans'health and longevity. 肥胖率上升对美国人的健康及寿命产生了不成比例的影响。
There are a disproportionate number of men compared to women in the legal profession. 从事法律职业的人中,男子比女子的数量多得不成比例。
They also risk skewing healthcare priorities and consuming disproportionate resources relative to the benefits and alternatives. 它们还可能扭曲医疗方面需要优先解决的事项,令所获益处与替代方案消耗的资源不成比例。
An instance of a disproportionate relation. a is out of proportion to B. 不成比例的关系的事例A与B不成比例。
And such cooperation should ensure that no region bears a disproportionate burden of adjustment. 而这种合作就要确保所有的地区在调整过程中都要承担其相应的责任。
This gave the industry disproportionate power in shaping the political agenda. 由此,银行业在影响政治议程方面获得了与其地位不相称的巨大影响力。
We spend a disproportionate amount of our income on rent. 我们的收入花在房租上的比例太大了。