The rail strike is causing major disruptions at the country's ports. 铁路罢工使该国港口陷入了一片混乱。
Knowing this ahead of time can help you avoid service disruptions. 提前知道这些信息能帮助您避免服务中断。
How do you ensure a level of compatibility to reduce disruptions to the applications? 如何确保一定级别的兼容性,以减少对应用程序的破坏呢?
But the breach is not known to have caused disruptions or resulted in any theft of client data. 但据了解,此次攻击并未造成网络中断或任何客户数据被盗。
Another eastern European official said such reductions raised the risk of supply disruptions and price rises in the EU. 东欧国家的另一位官员表示,此类削减增加了欧盟供应中断和价格上涨的风险。
Last weekend the leaders of the G8 issued a statement warning darkly of oil market disruptions. 上周末,八国集团(G8)领导人发表了一份声明,对石油市场出现供应中断的可能性发出悲观警告。
These disruptions can also adversely effect our health. 这种破坏也会对我们的健康产生有害影响。
Brazil has felt vulnerable to soaring oil prices and to supply disruptions. 巴西感到经受不了油价飞涨和供应中断的威胁。
As long as power remains inconsistent and transport links are broken, supply chain disruptions will hurt Japanese companies. 只要电力供应和运输网络依然不能恢复正常,供应链中断就将继续影响日本企业。
Biodiversity changes affect ecosystem functioning and significant disruptions of ecosystems can result in life sustaining ecosystem goods and services. 生物多样性变化影响生态系统功能,而生态系统遭到严重破坏也可能最终影响到维持生命机体的生态系统货物和服务。
These disruptions may lead to insomnia, accumulated fatigue, and ultimately, a fatal breakdown. 可能导致失眠和经常性疲劳,最后甚至导致猝死。
Many economists say the disruptions are unlikely to have a lasting impact on economic growth in the city. 许多经济学家都表示,生产中断不大可能对北京经济增长造成长远影响。
According to fundamental principles, higher industry marginal costs and supply disruptions mean higher prices. 根据基本原理,行业边际成本上升和供应中断意味着价格上涨。
At the same time, a series of supply-side disruptions in key commodity markets ranging from drought to disease have been at work. 与此同时,在关键的大宗商品市场上,干旱和疾病等因素造成的一系列供应方面的中断也发挥了作用。
Trade can bring new wealth and opportunities, but also huge disruptions and change in communities. 贸易可以带来新的财富和机会,但也会造成巨大的分化和社区的演变。
Effects of machine failure, set-ups, and other disruptions on system performance. 机器失效、安装和其他中断对系统性能的影响。
July's eclipse cycle will not bring disruptions or create unexpected changes in world governments. 七月的日蚀或月蚀将不会带来全球政府崩解、或创造不可预期的改变。
The cuts also underlined the threats that Internet disruptions could pose to organizations and businesses worldwide. 这一次割破的电缆同样凸显了在互联网中断时可能对于世界范围的组织和商业带来的威胁。
A series of largely man-made disruptions has fed that fear. 一系列基本上属于人为的供应中断加剧了这种担心。
Disruptions in the mating patterns of several species of seabird have been reported across the globe. 世界各地都出现了关于某些种类的海鸟交配模式被破坏的报道。
They're concerned about a global financial collapse, an ecological crisis and potential disruptions in the food supply. 他们担心全球金融崩溃,生态危机和粮食供应的中断。
China, for example, was able to weather the disruptions* rural safety net. 比如,中国由于有最小化的农村安全网,因此,在20世纪80年代和90年代发生的一场更加激烈的全球同化过程中,能够经受住整改中的分裂和艰难。
A raft of supply disruptions and healthy demand especially in China meant that markets have remained tight. 大量的供应中断和旺盛的需求(尤其是在中国)意味着,市场一直供不应求。
Second, resolution regimes must enable the authorities to resolve crises without systemic disruptions and without taxpayer losses. 第二,决议机制必须让相关机构能够在不破坏系统和不造成纳税人损失的情况下解决危机。
This means it actually provides little insurance against supply disruptions. 这意味着,它实际上没有提供多少针对供应中断的保险。
Supply disruptions in Iraq and Libya this month have also offered some support to the price. 2月份伊拉克和利比亚发生供应中断,也对价格提供了一定支撑。
It is reasonable to expect further disruptions and delays this year. 我们有理由预计今年将出现更多中断和延期问题。
Both have dealt with the inevitable disruptions that accompany the rise of a great power with commendable pragmatism. 双方都以值得赞许的务实态度,应对了伴随着一个大国崛起的不可避免的动荡。
Engine flameout is mainly caused by the two aspects: one is the fuel or air supply disruptions; 发动机熄火的原因主要有两个方面:一个是燃油或空气供应中断;
The Second World War caused considerable disruptions to life. 第二次世界大战破坏了人们的正常生活。