Henry was not slow to dissemble when it served his purposes. 在需要时,亨利会毫不迟疑地伪装自己。
They only call it rubbish to dissemble their real motives. 他们把它说得分文不值就是为了掩盖自己的真正动机。
The gentleman he says speaks his mind without fear or favor somewhat like the New York Times because to dissemble would be beneath him. 避免任何人情债,他说,绅士说话坦荡,不偏不倚,有点像《纽约时报》,因为掩饰将会使其降尊。
I will not dissemble the first emotions of joy on the recovery of my freedom, and, perhaps, the establishment of my fame. 我不想掩盖我当时首先感到高兴,由于恢复了自由,也许还建立了文名。
Dissemble one's intentions, meaning, motives, etc. 掩盖自己的意图、意思、动机等。
She tried to dissemble her anger with a smile on her face. 她试着用在她的脸上一个微笑掩饰她的忿怒。
Politicians frequently have to dissemble so as not to admit that mistakes have been made. 政客们不得不频繁作掩盖,免得承认已犯下错误。
It was not in her nature to dissemble. 她生性不喜掩饰。
To dissemble your feelings, to control your face, to do what everyone else was doing, was an instinctive reaction. 掩饰真实的情感,控制脸上的表情,跟旁人亦步亦趋,所有这些早成了本能的反应。
Families that quarrel in the privacy of the home do well to dissemble when they go out to dinner. 在家中争吵的家庭出外晚餐时都掩饰得很好。
This contract would be automatically terminated in the condition the damages caused of repair, maintenance, dissemble etc. by the third party permitted by Party A. 甲方允许非乙方技术人员维修、护、卸设备及附件或造成设备损坏,本合同自行作废。