Among the "what ifs" is whether he could have dissuaded Dodi from embarking on the lunatic ride with a driver who was drunk and on pills. 在众多假设中,一个问题是,他当初能再劝阻多迪不要坐那辆疯狂的汽车,由一名酒醉、吸毒的司机开车。
The huntsmen, however, not letting themselves be dissuaded, climbed the tree, lifted the girl down, and took her to the king. 可就是这样,这些猎手还是赖着不走,并且爬到树上把姑娘抱了下来,领到国王面前。
Potential new developers could check out the code at any time, but if it won't build, they are likely to be dissuaded from contributing. 潜在的新开发人员可以在任何时候检出代码,但是如果代码不能构建,新开发人员可能就被挡在了做贡献的队伍之外。
You are to understand, Miss Bennet, that I came here with the determined resolution of carrying my purpose; nor will I be dissuaded from it. 你应该明白,班纳特小姐,我既然上这儿来了,就非达到目的不可;谁也阻不住我。
To make Credit Suisse co-operate, the US government dissuaded regulators from withdrawing its banking licences and did not insist on senior executives leaving. 为了让瑞信合作,美国政府说服监管机构不吊销它的银行业牌照,也不坚持要求高管辞职。
But that has not dissuaded researchers from continuing to seek perfection, in the form of a compact, perpetual energy source which does not require external recharging. 然而这并没有阻止研究人员继续寻找完美的,紧凑型的永久能源,从而使得这些移植设备不再需要外部充电。
Tatsuo Yoshida, auto analyst at Barclays, also believes Japanese manufacturers are at last addressing their deficiencies in China after concerns about intellectual property protection had for years dissuaded them from developing more vehicles there. 巴克莱(Barclays)汽车分析师吉田龙夫(TatsuoYoshida)也认为,由于担忧知识产权难以保护,多年来日本汽车制造商不愿在华研发更多汽车,但它们现在终于开始应对自己在中国的不足。
I dissuaded him from rushing in to submit his resignation. 我劝他不要冲进去,递交辞职书。
Many people had dissuaded him from going out, but he just turned a deaf ear to all the advice and put a small bundle on his back and left. 六十岁那一年,还到汉口去做生意,怕人家嫌他年老,只说五十几岁。大家都劝他不要再出门,他偏背着包裹走了。
Closing old accounts is wise credit management and I'm not to be dissuaded by mere credit score reasons. 结束旧帐是明智的信贷管理,而且我不是要劝阻,单靠信用评分的原因。
But the aspect also offers great strength of character and purpose, so they are not easily dissuaded from their path. 但这相位也赋予强势的个性及长远的目标,所以他们可不会那么轻易从他们道路上遭受劝止。
Early investors are sensing the promise in Africa and are not dissuaded by the risks – after Lehman Brothers and Greece, investors know developed markets can be risky, too. 投资先行者感受到了非洲的希望,并且没有被风险所吓退&在雷曼兄弟和希腊危机之后,投资者认识到发达市场的风险也很大。
Auto executives and analysts said shoppers had not been dissuaded by a declining stock market, bleak consumer confidence surveys, a sluggish housing market or high unemployment. 汽车高管和分析师表示,购买者没有被股市下降,黯淡的消费者信心调查,住房市场低迷或高失业率所劝阻。
But clyde, in spite of this honest and well-meant caution, was not to be dissuaded. 虽然有这番诚恳和好意的劝告,克莱德还是不死心。
He agrees, but when he meets Mulan, he learns that she cannot be dissuaded and so decides to help her in the perilous times ahead. 他同意了,但当他遇见木兰之中,他就学会了,她不能劝,所以决定帮助她在危险的时代即将到来。
He was easily dissuaded from going. 他很容易就接受劝告不走了。
Scurrying to a meeting with architects, Mr Zhang was not easily dissuaded. 而匆忙赶去和建筑师们开会的张跃并不容易被劝阻。
They dissuaded her from going on the stage. 他们劝她不要去演戏。
Buddha then, dissuaded them not to talk with them. 世尊说,那么就不要跟她们讲话。
She was dissuaded from leaving home. 她受到劝阻,没有离家出走。
The city's skyrocketing land values have dissuaded many artists and art collectors from moving to Shanghai. 上海寸土寸金的地价无疑限制了艺术家在上海的发展与投资。
She entered heart and soul into the details of the business, advised and dissuaded; and finally a contract was drawn up. 她一心一意磋商这笔生意的巨细事宜,左劝说右劝阻,最后终算鉴定了合同。
He was not to be dissuaded from it. 谁也不能劝阻他做此事。
One dissuaded a departing dinner guest, who was carrying no cash, from walking to the ATMs in the adjacent shopping mall. 我看到一位门迎正在劝阻一位离开酒店的贵宾,对方由于身上未携带现金,想步行至附近商场的自动取款机取钱。
But my mother dissuaded her once more. 但是妈妈又拦住了她。
The father finally dissuaded his son from leaving school. 这个父亲最终劝阻了他儿子离开学校。
His parents tried to stop him, but Samson had stubbornly made up his mid and could not be dissuaded. 参孙的父母亲试著阻止他娶外邦女子,但固执的参孙心意已定,无法劝服。
The father dissuaded his SOM from leaving school. 父亲劝他的儿子不要中途辍学。
But for Sinochem, the roughly two-month gaps between leak and announcement seem to have dissuaded rival bidders who can compete with a national champion-elect? 但对于中化而言,走漏风声和发布公告之间大约两个月的时间里,竞购者们似乎都知难而退谁能与一个国家冠军企业竞争呢?
Purslow will remain at the club as an advisor to the new owners, who have reportedly dissuaded commercial director Ian Ayre from leaving. 帕斯洛将会为新的老板当一段时间的顾问,据报道亨利劝阻商务总监伊恩艾尔不要辞职。