He owns shares of the distillers behind Jack Daniels ( BFA) and Captain Morgan ( deo) too. 另外,他还投资了出品杰克•丹尼威士忌(JackDaniels)、摩根船长(CaptainMorgan)的蒸馏酒公司。
The Macallan isn't alone among Scotch distillers in promoting its products with expensive limited editions. 不止麦卡伦一家威士忌厂商在推销价格昂贵的限量版产品。
Scotch distillers have invested heavily to expand their consumer base. 苏格兰威士忌酒厂花费重金扩大客户群体。
Application of Decanter in Waste Liquid of Distillers 'Grains Technical and Economic Analysis of Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Distiller's Grains in Alcohol Plant 卧螺离心机在酒糟废液分离中的应用酒精厂废糟液综合利用技改技术和经济性分析
The use of distillers dried grains with solubles ( DDGS) in poultry nutrition 可溶性干酒糟(DDGS)在家禽营养中的应用
Huge pits, filled with fermenting grain and covered in plastic sheeting, are at one side. On the other, open drums serve as distillers. 一边是大坑,装满了正在发酵的谷物,上面盖着塑料板,另一边是开着盖的圆桶,充作蒸馏器。
The whisky distillers of Scotland are in revolt over an "alcohol free" creation. 苏格兰的威士忌蒸馏酒制造商们正在反对一种“无酒精”的威士忌饮料。
It is found in high concentrations in Roundup Ready soybean meal and corn, distillers meal, fermentation feed products, pig stomach contents, and pig and cattle placentas. 在孟山都抗草甘膦除草剂转基因大豆饲料与转基因玉米中,在饲料加工蒸馏器的饲料中、在发酵了的饲料产品中、在猪的胃中残渣中,在猪与牛的胎盘中。
Associative Effects of Supplementing Corn and Soybean Meal with Distillers Grains on in Vitro Fermentation Characteristics 白酒糟、玉米和豆粕之间组合效应及其对瘤胃发酵特性影响的研究
Distillers and brewers feign disapproval of binge drinking, but keep producing the stuff, even if there are casualties. 酿酒厂和啤酒制造商佯装不赞成过量饮酒,但却继续生产这些东西,即便会有人因此受害。
However, though Iowa has lots of pigs, distillers 'grains work much better as feed for beef and dairy cows. 然而,尽管艾奥瓦有很多猪,酒糟谷对肉牛和奶牛其实更好。
A part of the city far removed from the center. Application of Decanter in Waste Liquid of Distillers 'Grains 远离城市中心的城区。卧螺离心机在酒糟废液分离中的应用
Probing Into Application of Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles ( DDGS) in Swine Diets 干酒糟及可溶物(DDGS)在猪饲料中利用的探讨
Distillers 'grains can be used as a good raw material for livestock feed production. 废酒糟可作为生产家畜饲料的一种很好的原料。
A Study on the Screening of High-Yield Formulae of Vinegar Distillers 'Grain and Nutritional Utilization Law for Hericium erinaceus 猴头菌醋糟高产配方筛选及营养利用规律研究
Through study and references, the optimum technology on both area of the abatement against distillers 'grains pollution and economical benefit was preparation of protein rich and multi enzymes containing feed thallus from distillers' grains after extraction of phytic acid and phytin. 通过已报道技术的对比分析,可见在解决酒糟对环境污染的同时又取得较大的经济效益的最优技术是首先提取植酸和植酸钙镁(菲汀),然后再利用酒糟生产高蛋白多酶菌体饲料。
On Technology for Extracting Protein from Yellow Distillers 'Grains by Enzyme 黄酒糟蛋白质的酶法提取工艺研究
Study on the Solid-state Fermentation of Distillers 'Grains to Produce Feeding-protein by Using Some Fungal Strains 不同菌株固态发酵废白酒糟生产饲料蛋白的研究
A Study on Feed Protein Producting from Distillers 'Grains by Multiple Bacteria Synergistic Fermentation 复合菌种协同发酵酒糟生产饲料蛋白研究
Besides, the distillers 'grain-fired boiler is also suitable for other biomass fuels. 该锅炉还适用于其它生物质废弃物。
Mechanical Dewatering and Drying methods of Cassava Alcohol Distillers 'Grains 木薯酒糟机械脱水及干燥方法的研究
On Production and Application of Yeast Protein Feed Produced from Rice Wine Distillers 'Grains by Solid-State Fermentation 大米黄酒糟固态发酵生产优质酵母蛋白质饲料及其应用研究
Effects of different technology on heat efficiency in the drying process of distillers 'grains 不同干燥工艺对酒糟干燥过程热效率的影响
Extracting the Protein of Dissolving Alcohol and Maize Yellow Pigment from Maize Distillers Grains 从玉米酒槽中提取醇溶蛋白和玉米黄色素的研究
Study on Producing Protein Feed through the Solid Fermentation of Rice Wine Distillers 'Grains with Candida Tropicalis 热带假丝酵母固体发酵黄酒糟生产蛋白饲料的研究
Studies on the resource recovery technique of distillers 'grains 酒糟资源化研究
Study on Solid Fermentation of SCP on Distillers of Highland Barley 青稞酒糟&SCP固体发酵技术研究
The development and utilization of white spirit and yellow rice wine distillers 'grains 白酒糟和黄酒糟的开发利用
Effects of distillers 'barley grain and hops on yield and quanlity of greenhouse tomato 施用麦糟、酒花糟对番茄产量及品质影响的研究
Corn distillers dried grains with solubles is the main by-product of the corn-based alcohol industry. 玉米酒精糟是玉米酒精工业的主要副产物。