Total concentration is required with no distractions. 要全神贯注,不能有丝毫分神。
Avoid multitasking if you can, and shut out interruptions and distractions as much as possible. 尽可能不要同时处理多项任务,避免干扰和分心。
I find it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions. 我发觉在家里工作很难,因为使人分心的东西太多。
To avoid distractions I've ignored exception handling in the code. 为避免分散注意力,我已在代码中忽略了异常处理。
I clear away distractions and do the important things. 我排除干扰,做重要的事。
Distractions break your concentration, lower your productivity and often prevent you from completing important tasks on time. 分心会打断你的注意力,降低你的效率,经常让你无法按时完成重要的任务。
Focus on one single task at a time. Distractions and multitasking eat up your time. 一次只专注一个任务,分心和多任务工作都会浪费你的时间。
With less distractions you can focus on what really matters and breeze through your most challenging projects. 较少的干扰可以使你更好地关注于重要的事情和轻松完成最具挑战性的项目。
Were surrounded by distractions that will steal our time if were not careful. 我们周围充满了让我们分心的东西,一不小心,我们的时间就会被偷走。
I think that one of the biggest troubles with colleges is there are too many distractions. 我想大学生活最大的弊端之一在于分心的事情太多了。
Mom and Dad were right again: distractions like TV make learning less efficient, study finds. 研究发现:爸爸妈妈又说对了,看电视引起的分心使得学习效率降低。
So we should focus on our task and eliminate potential distractions when we learn something new. 所以我们学新东西时,应该尽可能消除那些可能的干扰,对工作专心致志。
You have to get rid of your distractions. 你得抛弃这些分心的事。
The people I love are not distractions! 我所爱的人并不是令我分心的事物!
Injustice can make us tolerant and forgiving; a man patient of distractions. 不公正能够使我们有忍耐力和慈悲;一个遇事不乱的人。
They are difficult to read, have too many distractions, and take ages to download. 它们难于阅读,有太多分心,并采取年龄下载。
I can't seem to knuckle down to my studies these days& there are too many distractions. 这几天我看来没法认真学习&分心的事太多了。
Realize that the distractions you experience are not all your fault. 了解到你体验到的分心并不是你的错。
Don't allow yourself to get sidetracked by any unnecessary distractions right now. 不要让自己获得撇在一边的任何不必要的分心了。
These distractions are accompanied by grief, despondency, trembling of the body and irregular breathing. 精神涣散常伴随着悲伤、失望、身体颤抖和呼吸不匀。
Obviously, strong-minded people will not be confused by the difficulties or the distractions. 显而易见,意志坚强的人不会因为困难或分心之物而感到困惑。
So what are some of the things we can do to minimise such interruptions and distractions? 那么有什么方法可以让我们把干扰和注意力分散最小化么?
I want to sink my teeth into my new job, and avoid any possible distractions. 我全身心的投入到新工作中,避免任何可能的干扰。
You have a good analytical mind when you concentrate. don't let distractions interfere with serious decision-making. 你专心时分析能力很好。别让那些会令你分心的事物干扰重大决策。
We have work to do and it is essntial that there are no distractions. 我们有工作要做,最重要的是不要有分心的事干扰。
This was one of the most effective methods of learning, as it illuminated all distractions. 这是最有效的学习方法之一,因为它关闭了所有分心的通道。
I like to work in a quiet room with no distractions. 我喜欢在一个不受打扰的安静的房间里工作。
The more pictures on your desk, the more distractions and interruptions you invite. 你桌上的照片越多,干扰和影响你的因素就越多。
DO stay focused on achieving your goals, despite adversity or distractions. 尽管有逆境和分心事物,一定要把注意力放在你的目标上。
You do not let the distractions put you off. 你不要让分心的事情阻碍你的工作。