Voters are deeply distrustful of all politicians 选民对所有的政客都深表怀疑。
The older you get the more distrustful you become. 年纪越大就越多疑。
'I guess I'm distrustful of this person's site and intentions because of their anonymity,'he said, when I asked him why. 他说,我觉得自己对这个人的网站很不信任,对那些不知名的人也多了些警觉。
Here the sages are not, as yet, separated from the skilful, but they begin to be distrustful. 到这里,哲人还不至于和机灵人分离,但是已经开始有了戒心。
They are bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous or pessimistic. 他们用或尖刻或轻蔑的态度表达怀疑、轻蔑和悲观的看法。
It's relatively new, people don't know about it, and perhaps people are distrustful of a website that claims to give them free money, but in this case it's absolutely genuine. 这还是相对新鲜的事物,人们不了解它,而且可能还不相信一个声称能免费使钱增值的网站,但这个网站所提供的服务绝对是真实的。
A lazy person may be so distrustful of his fellow workers that he is having his brainchild stolen. 懒人不相信自己的同事,害怕自己的想法被别人偷去。
With many details, you are analytical, cautious, and distrustful. 猪有许多细节,您善分析,谨慎,有怀疑心。
Good hosts but extremely distrustful of outsiders. 很好的主人但对外界人严重的不信任。
He still admits, however, that he remained distrustful until he actually began to work for the president; 然而,他仍然承认,在他真正开始为总统工作之前,他一直是抱不信任态度的;
I'm still distrustful of his motives. 我还是怀疑他的动机。
That was the way in Menzoberranzan: always alert, always distrustful. 这就是魔索布莱城的规则:永远保持警戒,永远保持怀疑。
They were profoundly distrustful of anything new. 他们对任何新东西都极不信任。
And I support distrustful attitude to having the effect that inform against to mobile operation business. 而且我对向移动运营商进行举报的效果持怀疑态度。
That is appealing to those African leaders who are distrustful of the market-based orthodoxy that has prevailed for the past two to three decades. 这对于那些不信任基于市场经济的正统理念的非洲领导人颇具吸引力过去三十年,这种正统理念一直占据主导。
Since the July 20 attempt on his life he had grown distrustful of everyone, even of his old party stalwarts. 自从7月20日谋杀他未遂的事件以来,他对任何人都不信任,甚至党内老伙伴也不例外。
He had helped to bury two of his fellow-workmen in the tailoring trade, and he was distrustful of the organized industries that see one out of the world in big cities. 他曾经帮助埋葬了他的两个同胞在缝纫行业工人,他是有组织的行业的不信任是看到在世界上的大城市。
Jack listens as Teri hides the phone from the distrustful Eli. 泰瑞藏起了手机,伊菜对她很是怀疑,杰克通过电话另一端倾听着这一切。
The cynics say that Israelis and Palestinians are too distrustful of each other, and too divided internally, to forge lasting peace. 消极论者认为,以色列人和巴勒斯坦人相互之间极不信任,双方内部极度分裂,因而不可能达成持久和平。
His mouth was thin and evil, the eye distrustful. 他是嘴薄而恶毒,眼睛多疑。
Ever since her surgery, she was shy and distrustful of new situations and new people. 从她的外科手术以后,她就变得害羞并且不相信新的事物和陌生人。
N.Cardozo; vigilant and distrustful superintendence-Thomas Jefferson. 警醒的和怀疑的监督-托马斯。杰斐逊。
In any case there is no obvious place for fund holders, distrustful of quantitative easing, to go. 不管怎样,不信任定量宽松的资金持有人没有明显的投资场所。
Wary and distrustful; disposed to avoid persons or things. 小心翼翼而又充满不信任;倾向于躲避人或者事。
The opposition has failed to capitalise on such problems. One reason is that much of the electorate remains distrustful following early at tempts to unseat the president including a botched coup in 2002 and a national strike that paralysed the economy. 反对派未能利用这些问题,原因之一在于他们此前那些旨在推翻查韦斯的努力,让相当一部分选民仍对其心存怀疑。这些努力包括2002年的拙劣政变,以及一次导致经济瘫痪的全国大罢工。
Thus the SGI will never lower the humanistic golden flag of "dialogue" no matter what crazy, self-righteous and distrustful obstacles we run into when we are promoting Buddhism-based humanism. 因此我们SGI在推广以佛法为基础的人性主义时,无论遇到多少疯狂、自以为是和不信任等障碍,也绝不降下“对话”这一人性主义的黄金旗帜。
In the range of wireless coverage, any unknown and distrustful user all can enter inner network through wireless access point. 在无线信号的覆盖范围,任何未知的和非法的用户都可以通过无线AP进入内部网络。