The longer the government dithers over nationalising Tepco, the more the costs will rise and the impetus for action will wane. 政府在东电公司国有化一事上犹豫越久,所需费用就会越高、实施动力也会越弱。
Experimental results show the correct vectors of camera are reserved while dithers are eliminated, the peak signal-to-noise ratio of smoothed video is higher than that of the original video. 实验表明该算法较好地去除了视频序列的高频抖动,同时保留了摄像机的主动运动,稳像后视频序列的峰值信噪比明显提高。
Improve A/ D Convert's Transfer Characteristic via Additive Dithers 通过外加扰动改善A/D变换器的传递特性