Isn't this the cup my master drinks from and also uses for divination? 这不是我主人饮酒的杯吗?岂不是他占卜用的吗?
For there shall be no more any vain vision nor flattering divination within the house of Israel. 从此,在以色列家中必不再有虚假的异象和奉承的占卜。
Don't you know that a man like me can find things out by divination? 你们岂不知象我这样的人必能占卜吗?
For rebellion is no less a sin than divination, and stubbornness is like iniquity and idolatry. 顽梗的罪与拜虚神和偶像的罪相同。
At that time, only a few officials or divination people. 当时,只有少数官吏或卜人使用。
To foretell through or as if through the art of divination. 占卜,预言通过或似通过占卜术预言。
Purple Star astrology is a traditional Taoist Chinese divination system. 紫薇斗数是中国道家传统的算命方法。
Han Jia, to my knowledge, the Book of Changes is about divination. 韩佳,据我所知啊,这《周易》它只是一部算卦的书。
You are to come to wife divination, right? 你是来给老婆卜卦,对吗?
In divination, the judgement of two men out of the three engaged in it should be followed. 任用这些人从事卜筮时,三个人的占卜,应当信从其中两个人的判断。
The divination ideology of long standing had a great influence on Chinese tradition and culture. 谶纬思想源远流长,对中国传统文化有极为深刻的影响。
In societies practicing shamanism: one acting as a medium between the visible and spirit worlds; practices sorcery for healing or divination. 在社会上练习萨满教的人;可以联通可见世界和精神世界的人;练习巫术来治病或预言的人。
Admittedly, this is Wei "divination, astrology," the rise of a very close contact. 诚然,这与魏晋玄学之兴起有极密的联系。
They prayed to Buddhist and Shinto gods ( every vesselcarried a shrine), and they prepared divination papers to find out where theywere. 他们向佛教和神道教的神明祈祷(每艘船上都有神龛),通过写有预言的纸来了解现在的位置。
The Xuan Tong Da Shu is one of the most important works of divination in Bimo Culture. 《玄通大书》是毕摩文化中最重要的占卜经典。
Will time turners or divination come into play in some way again? 也许时间转换器和占卜术又以某种方式发生了作用?
They're part of an ancient Greek divination ritual. 他们是古希腊占卜仪式的一部分。
Junqi astrology, as part of qi divination in ancient Chinese astrology, has very early origins. “军气占”属于中国古代天象占中的气占,起源甚早。
Rinpoche told me several times that the MO ( divination) was not good. 仁波切数度告诉我占卜的结果并不好。
Superficially, the Book of Changes is indeed about divination. 从表面上看《周易》的确是一部占卜吉凶的书。
But geomancy means divination according to geographic features, so the translation is not entirely correct. 但是土占意指根据地理特征来占卜,所以这个翻译并非完全正确。
The concept of number originated very early and divination by Zhouyi might be its earliest origin we know. 数字观念的源起很早,《易》占可能是已知最早的源头。
Katherine McCormack goes beyond horoscopes and provides a quick guide to other forms of divination. 凯瑟琳?麦考马克超越了占星并给其它形式的预言提供了快速的指导。
It is practicing two things that are forbidden and condemned: divination and necromancy. 这是在实习被禁止和谴责的两件事:占卜和招魂。
These characters were mostly prayers by Shang rulers at divination and sacrificial rites, as well as simple records. 这些文字,大都是商代统治者占卜祭祀时的祝辞和简单记事。