Let us thank Him for both, let us take the weights as well as the wings, and thus divinely impelled, let us press on with faith and patience in our high and heavenly calling. 让我们感谢他;让我们欢迎他给我们的重压,像欢迎他给我们的翅膀一样;让我们用信心和忍耐来前进。
Hou Yi loved his divinely beautiful wife so much, he refused to shoot down the moon. 后羿十分爱他美若天仙的妻子,他不忍心将她从月亮上射落。
The Leo woman may require a lot of patience to deal with the Taurus man but she will be rewarded with a successful and divinely romantic and trustworthy partner. 狮子座女需要很大的耐心与金牛座男相处,而同时她也得到了恩赐:有这样一个成功、忠诚、浪漫且可靠地金牛男与之相伴。
In this view, the situations described in the Bible do not necessarily represent divinely inspired truth but instead represent the views of the editors of the bible. 以这种观点,圣经里描写的情境没有必要是代表神启迪的真理,而是代表圣经编者的观点。
Of this we are certain as your path has been divinely decreed, and the forces of Light will ensure success. 我们确信这一点,因为你们的道路已经被神所颁布,光的势力将确保它成功。
We were fantastically and divinely alone. 我们单独待在一起,真是妙不可言。
You asked for help and we are here to answer that call, and we have been divinely authorized to contact you. 你们寻求了帮助,而我们就在这里回应着那请求,而且我们拥有者神圣权力来与你们取得接触。
However, the fact is that the time has come for divinely decreed change. 遗憾的是,事实表面时机已经成熟,这是命中注定的改变。
This sacred clearing and those wonderful pink Cherubs allowed you an opening awareness so that you understand that you are indeed divinely guided at all times. 这神圣空地和那些迷人的胖嘟嘟可爱小天使让你开阔你的觉知,以便让你理解你真的一直被神圣地指引着。
As the month begins, you will be happy to have Mars, your ruler, in divinely compatible Cancer, lighting your ninth house of study and travel. 当9月开始时,你会很高兴有火星,你的统治者,像神一样和巨蟹座很和谐,照亮你的代表学习和旅行的第九宫。
There are divinely prescribed and described offices and ecclesiastical courts with teaching, ministerial, and judicial authority. 神所制定与描绘的职事和教会法庭是存在的,它们具有教导、牧养、和司法的权柄。
Third Fairy had been divinely gifted for a full thirty years. 三仙姑下神,足足有三十年了。
Mt.2:12 And because they had been divinely instructed in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed by another way to their country. 太二12星象家既在梦中受神指示,不要回去见希律,就从别的路回本地去了。
She not only sings like an angel, but also dances divinely. 她不但唱歌唱得像天使一样,而且跳舞也跟天仙。
The Lord's Supper is the divinely instituted sign and seal of covenant renewal. 主餐是神所设立的,是圣约更新的记号和印记。
This divinely social trend is just the beginning of something bigger to come, dear Sagittarius. 亲爱的射手们,这可爱的社交趋势仅仅只是某些大趋势来临的前奏。
The soprano sang divinely throughout the concert. 女高音在整个音乐会上唱得美极了。
So divinely is the world organized that every one of us, in our place and time, is in balance with everything else. 世界是如此庄严地把我们每个人聚集在一起,在我们的时间和地方,达到和万物的和谐。
He was simply not overwhelmed by the isness of life, nor did he accept the facts of his world as divinely ordained. 他没有接受生活现实就是这个样子,也不接受自己的世界是上天早就安排好了的。
Eastern Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and most Protestant denominations hold Jesus to have been divinely conceived and Mary to have remained a virgin. 东正教、罗马天主教徒和大部分新教教徒都肯定耶稣的神圣性,并认为玛利亚虽怀孕生耶稣但并未丧失童贞。
And Raiford calvert, who danced so divinely, would never again choose her to be his partner. 还有雷福德卡尔弗特那个最会跳舞的小伙子,他也再不会挑选她当舞伴了。
The only divinely ordained sacraments are baptism and the Lord's Supper. 唯有浸礼和主餐是神命定的圣礼。
The essence of the political revolution was the end of the concept of a divinely ordained division of people into rulers and ruled. 政治革命的实质是,它终结了人类分成统治者和被统治者是由神注定的这种观念。
She is perfectly charming; and Patti sang divinely. 她真漂亮,帕蒂唱得也神。
All channels are free and all doors fly open for my immediate and endless, Divinely Designed supply. 为了我即刻且无穷无尽的、神圣设计下的财富供应,所有的管道都畅通无阻,所有的大门都为我开放。
Lk. 2:26 And it had been divinely communicated to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. 路二26他受了圣灵的指示,知道自己看见主的基督以前,必不见死。
Breathe in deeply My Beautiful Beings of Light and feel the lighter relaxed feelings of being protected& divinely guided into this meditation. “美丽的光之存有”,深呼吸,感知那在冥想中被保护和神圣引导的轻柔放松的感觉。
Sanctity flows out of proper use of the divinely ordained covenant signs and seals. 成圣乃出于正当地执行了神命定的圣约记号和标记。
A political unit governed by a deity ( or by officials thought to be divinely guided). 由神(或被认为由神引导的官员)管理的政治单元。
S: oh, you do talk scandalous! You do waltz divinely, captain butler. 斯:噢,说出这种话你不觉得可耻吗?你的华尔兹跳得真好,巴特勒船长。