The complexity of a possible intervention and the political divisiveness it has wrought could be too great to overcome this week. 可能的干预措施的复杂程度以及由此产生的政治分歧恐怕都过于强大,难以在本周克服。
Clinton told assembled staff members she will depend on the advice of civil servants and work to end an era of divisiveness in Washington. 克林顿对国务院全体人员说,她将依靠文职官员们的建议和意见,努力结束华盛顿的分裂不和的时代。
It's because we're a divided country and we handle science issues according to, you know, politicization and divisiveness, rather than according to what the science actually says. 我国是一个布满足见分歧的国家,在处理科学问题上比较政治化、分歧化,而非科学化。
The divisiveness of such issues has been on display following comments by Rush Limbaugh, the conservative radio host, who labelled a law student who had campaigned for healthcare coverage of contraception a slut and a prostitute. 保守派电台主播拉什林博(RushLimbaugh)的言论显示出公众对此类社会议题的看法存在分歧。林博曾形容一位倡导医保应涵盖避孕费用的法学院学生是婊子、妓女。
We are not, any longer, going to tolerate the kind of divisiveness that has paralyzed and undermined our ability to get things done for America. 我们再也不能容忍那种让我们陷于瘫痪、使我们丧失为美国作贡献的能力的分裂与不和。
Pakistan's Ambassador, Husain Haroon, is optimistic, saying there has been a great deal of divisiveness in the past, but that views are starting to converge. 巴基斯坦常驻联合国大使侯赛因·哈伦对安理会改革感到乐观。他说,过去在这个问题上有很多不同意见,而现在,人们正在开始取得共识。
As mentioned above, his statism was now advanced as a clear'anti-thesis'to the divisiveness and ineffectiveness which characterized movement and party activities. 像上面所说的,他的“中央集权”已经进步成对把运动和党派描述成活动的分裂与无益来说一种清晰的反理论。
The divisiveness, caste systems and ostracism that religions have caused still exists, and so do fear of disobeying "God's laws" and guilt and remorse when one strays from strict adherence. 由宗教引起的各种分裂以及权利堡垒至今依然存在,同样的,还有对于所谓“上帝法则”的畏惧以及当触犯了这些法则之后所产生的负罪感。
Some people think that private education is a source ofsocial divisiveness. 一些人认为私立学校教育是造成社会分裂的原因。
One of our reasons has been the concern that this could very easily lead to divisiveness, which would override any potential usefulness to such discussion. 其中一个原因是:如此的探讨很容易导致大家的分别心,使得本来会产生的潜在益处,反而被我们的讨论给抹杀掉了。
Almost all discussion focuses on the potential divisiveness inherent in a nation that is no longer a predominantly white country with a mostly European ancestry. 几乎所有的讨论都集中在一个不再由欧洲裔白人占主导地位的国家的潜在分裂性。
This method only encouraged their divisiveness. 这个办法反而助长了他们之间的分歧。