When resources like money, people, space, time, and attention are divvied up, there will always be winners and losers. 在分配资金、人力、空间、时间和精力等资源时,总会有输家和赢家。
The division's bonus pool is divvied up-in large part-on the basis of the rankings. 部门的奖金总额很大程度上是按评估等级分配的。
Herbert Hoover put his salary in a separate account, then divvied it up, giving part to charity and part to employees he felt were underpaid. 胡佛总统曾把自己的部分薪水单独放在一个账户里,然后把这笔钱分摊给慈善机构或者赠予他觉得收入过少的人。
Your check gets divvied up by those still amongst the living. 你的钱就分给还活着的人。
But judges said the World Cup and European Championship were single events that cannot be divvied up at will. 但是法官认为世界杯和欧洲杯是独一无二的事件,不可按照个人意愿进行分配。
With Rambis gone to Minnesota, the defensive responsibilities will be divvied up on a game-by-game basis. 随着兰比斯远走明尼苏达,球队防守的重任将按每个场次来进行分配。
But when they divvied up the power in their new creation, its founders practised some low numerical arts. 但是当他们在新的创造物中分配权利时,他的创始人们犯了一些低级的数字方面的错误。
The economic advantage he has in mind would be on the tail end, when the box office takings are divvied up. 他所想的经济优势将会是在电影销售终端的,指的正是票房收入的瓜分。
They divvied up the winnings between them. 他们瓜分了赢得的钱。
They divvied up the profits among themselves. 他们一伙瓜分利润。
Banks and mortgage brokers have been recording a surge in agreements which see the debt divvied up. 各银行和贷款经纪人最近一直在纪录数量激增的债务分担合同。
Seismic attributes were divvied into several types and main seismic attributes& factors were analyzed systematically. 对地震属性的类型进行系统分类,对与气层有关的主要地震属性的影响特征及影响因素做了深入分析;