Make and implement DLR sales promotion annual/ monthly active plan in regional zone. 建立和执行经销商年/度的区域促销计划活动。
It will be the infrastructure on which the C# team implements dynamic lookup. 同样,C开发团队也会借助于DLR所提供的基础设施来实现动态查找功能。
Includes Mono for executing code ( C# and DLR-based languages). 包含了Mono以执行代码(C及基于DLR的语言)。
You also have more control over how you provide sources to the DLR. 您也能够更好地控制向DLR提供源文件的方式。
Establish and implement the DLR recruit standard, procedure and etc. 建立和执行经销商征选标准,流程等。
My first instinct is that I do not need the DLR for this particular project. 我的第一直觉告诉我,在这个项目中,我不需要DLR。
The SDK also includes services to build new languages on top of the DLR, including a shared, dynamic type system and a language hosting model. 这个SDK也包含一些在DLR之上构建新语言的服务,包括共享的动态类型系统和语言托管模型。
Control system for DLR/ HIT ⅱ dexterous robot hand and synchronized control for base joint DLR/HITⅡ灵巧手控制系统及基关节同步控制
Less than a month passed, the DLR was released and I jumped in head first into exploring it. 不到一个月的时间,DLR发布了,而我则在第一时间对它进行了研究。
At runtime the DLR will look at the actual object referenced by myDynamciObject for members with those names. 在运行时,DLR将会在myDynamciObject所引用的对象中查找相应的方法或属性。
Selecting and Application of Model Constants and Model Functions of DLR k-ε Turbulence Model DLR型k-ε紊流模型的模型常数和模型函数的选择及应用
There are folks who are spending a lot of time understanding how our language implementation and the DLR works. 许多人们花了大量时间来理解我们的语言实现和CLR的工作原理。
This means that we can use and distribute the DLR as part of Mono without having to build it from scratch. 这就意味着我们可以将DLR做为Mono的一部分使用和发布,而不需要从头开始构建它了。
Research on Finger Position Control of DLR/ HIT Hand DLR/HIT机器人灵巧手手指位置控制的研究
The DLR provides the infrastructure on which a common set of dynamic tools can be built. 有了DLR的支持,我们即可方便地创建一系列的动态工具。
The DLR is about giving you the best experience for your language-true to the language, excellent tools, performance and seamless integration with a wealth of libraries and platforms. DLR所要做的是为你提供你喜欢的语言的最佳体验&对语言本身、其上优秀的工具、性能,以及和丰富的程序库集平台进行无缝整合都是一样的。
He is the lead program manager for C#, VB, and F# languages and compilers, as well as the DLR framework. 他是C、VB和F语言和编译器,以及DLR框架的首席程序经理。
The DLR only has ( large) integer support. DLR只支持(大的)整数。
The DLR is Microsoft's way of providing dynamic language capability on top of the CLR. DLR是微软作为在CLR之上提供动态语言支持能力的一种技术手段。
An updated draft of the DLR Hosting Spec has been released. DLR宿主规格说明书已经发布了一个更新过的草案。
The Dynamic Language Runtime, or DLR, is Microsoft's answer to the needs of dynamic language developers. DynamicLanguageRuntime即DLR是微软给需要动态语言的开发人员的一个回应。
Jim also lists the four dynamic languages that will initially be built on the DLR. 此外,Jim还列出了四个在DLR初期就将支持的语言。
The DLR provides a unified object model for dynamic languages and the ability to host just-in-time compilers needed for so-called scripting languages. DLR为动态语言提供了一个统一的对象模型,以及托管即时编译器的能力,满足所谓的脚本语言运行的需要。
This paper constructs a human hand model and a HIT/ DLR dexterous robot hand model respectively, then analyzes their structural differences and the motion mapping problem due to these differences. 分别建立人手和HIT/DLR机器人灵巧手的几何模型,并分析两者之间的结构差异及其产生的运动映射问题。
Make and implement annual DLR recruit plan. 制定和执行每年经销商的征选计划。
Many developers are leery of reflection ( and the DLR) because of performance concerns. 由于性能问题,许多开发人员都不愿意使用反射(和DLR)。
The SDK allows developers to use dynamic languages, running on the DLR, to build Silverlight applications. 这个SDK允许开发人员使用运行于DLR之上的动态语言来构建Silverlight应用程序。
It is important to note that the DLR is being released as open source. 值得特别注意的是,DLR是以开源的形式发布的。
John Lam has posted a quick start kit for people interested in creating their own languages using the DLR. JohnLam发表了一个快速入门指南来帮助有兴趣使用DLR来创建自己语言的同学。
Silverlight can be viewed as "simply an application host used to host the DLR," using the same services that can be utilized by an application developer. Silverlight可被看作是“托管DLR的简单应用程序宿主”,它同样使用了一些应用程序开发人员会用到的服务。