So the Doberman says, "I love liver and cheese." 所以杜宾说,“我喜欢肝脏和奶酪。”
The Taco Bell Chihuahua, a Doberman and a bulldog are in a doggie bar having a drink when a good-looking female Collie comes up to them and says, "Whoever can say liver and cheese in a sentence can have me." 塔科贝尔奇瓦瓦,杜宾犬和斗牛犬在小狗酒吧喝酒的时候,一个漂亮的女牧羊犬来到他们,说,“谁能说肝脏和奶酪的一句话会用有我。”
"Bull!" roared the biker." How could your puppy kill my Doberman?" “胡扯!”机车骑士大吼:“你的小狗怎么可能杀死我的短毛猎犬?”
A timid little man ventured into a biker bar in the Bronx, and clearing his throat asked, Um, err, which of you gentlemen owns the Doberman tied outside to the parking meter? 一个害羞的小个子男生,鼓起勇气走进布朗克斯区一家飙车族酒吧,清了清喉咙问道:嗯,这个,绑在外面停车表那只德国短毛猎犬是谁的啊?
His work has led him to designing all manner of teeth, including gold fangs fitted for a Doberman used in a Kanye West music video. 他在工作中设计了各种牙齿,包括为坎耶·韦斯特(KanyeWest)一个音乐录影带中的一只杜宾犬设计了金色尖牙。
This is NOT a breed for everyone, and you must consider your own personality, physical environment and emotional needs before you decide to acquire a Doberman. 这并非是适合每个人的犬种,在你决定拥有一条杜宾之前,你也必须考虑你自己的个性,客观环境和主观需求。
No matter how well trained your Doberman is, they are still DOGS with instincts that often over-ride their training. 无论你怎样训练你的杜宾,它们仍然是“狗”,有着经常越轨的本能。
Without these tools, owning a Doberman can be a frustrating and difficult experience. 如果没有这些,拥有一条杜宾将是痛苦和困难的经历。
English breed of small terrier with a straight wiry red-and-black-and-tan or grizzled coat and dropped ears. The Doberman Pinscher, Siberian Husky and Great Dane are included in this Group, to name just a few. 英国品种的小猎犬,毛发直立,呈金属般红黑棕色或灰色,耳下垂。笃宾、西伯利亚雪橇、大丹都属于工作犬,从它们的名字就能看出来。
Other breeds, such as the German Shepherd and Doberman Pinscher, also have disk disease but with a lower incidence. 有些品种的犬,如德国牧羊犬,杜宾,尽管也有发生椎间盘疾病,但发病率很低。
The judge shall dismiss from the ring any shy or vicious Doberman. 比赛时,裁判将取消胆怯或恶劣的杜宾比赛资格。
Small German version of a Doberman pinscher. 杜柏曼德国短毛猎犬的小型翻版。
An intelligent, physically healthy Doberman requires plenty of exercise ( physical and mental) and human companionship. 一条机敏健康的杜宾需要充足的运动量(德智体全面发展)和人的陪伴。
Great Danes, Boxers, and Doberman Pinschers sometimes work with the police to help catch criminals. 大丹狗、拳犬、和短毛猎犬,(这些狗)常常为警察工作,帮助抓捕罪犯。
Is the American Doberman now going to divorce itself from this ideal? 如今,难道美系杜宾将要脱离这一理想完美的标准吗?
This does NOT mean the breed is vicious& quite the contrary, the doberman must be mentally stable yet always alert and ready to defend its master and home. 但是这并不代表这个品种是凶恶的,恰恰相反,杜宾必须在精神方面非常稳定,时时警觉,随时准备护卫主人和他的财产。