Two such dockings will be conducted before the Shenzhou VIII capsule returns to earth in mid-November. 在神舟八号的返回舱11月中旬返回地面之前,将进行两次这样的对接。
Beijing sees the Tiangong and Shenzhou dockings as the next phase in its step-by-step approach to acquiring the skills of human spaceflight operations. 北京将天宫和神舟对接视为其获取人类航天业务技能的“三步走”战略的在下一阶段。
Since our launch vehicle scope is limited, it is suggested that a docking program of four launchings and three dockings. 由于我国的运载火箭的射程有限,因此有人提出了一种四次发射三次对接的对接方案。