A tolerance usually reserved for Irish dockworkers. 就跟爱尔兰的码头工人有得一拼了。
The shutdown of the ports forced more than ten-thousand dockworkers to stop working. 这次的港口关闭使得1万多名港口工人被迫停止工作。
All cargoes from Dover are black good until the dockworkers 'strike there has been settled. 所有的来自多佛的货物要等到码头工人罢工结束后才能装卸。
We had to climb up the two-story high barn, shivering on the gangway like dockworkers, with our waists bending at90 degrees and sacks on the back. 二层楼高的米仓,我们要象码头工人那样,腰弯成九十度,背上背着大麻袋,一步三摇地踏着跳板往上攀登。