So, the question that remains is how do you take these test definitions, load them into the DOH's UI, and execute them. 所以,剩下的问题就是如何获取这些测试定义、如何将它们加载到DOH的UI中以及如何执行它们。
This is because the DOH ( what a great acronym) offers both command-line and browser-based interfaces to the testing framework. 这是因为DOH(多好的缩写名)既提供了命令行界面,也提供了基于浏览器的界面来测试框架。
That's great, but it doesn't display the DOH's UI, so it's difficult to tell if tests pass or not. 这很棒,但它没有显示DOH的UI,因此,很难断定测试是通过了还是没通过。
As previously mentioned, the DOH provides a command-line interface as well as a browser-based interface. 前面提到过,DOH既提供命令行界面,又提供了基于浏览器的界面。
This enables the DOH to report failed tests accurately. 这能使DOH准确地报告失败的测试。
Effectively, what the DOH does is create a bridge between an instance of the DOH running in an HTML file in an iframe and the instance of the DOH running its UI and stand-alone tests. 实际上,DOH所做的就是要在HTML文件(iframe内)内运行的DOH的实例和运行其UI和独立测试的DOH的实例之间建立一座桥梁。
The DOH also provides a powerful UI that shows success, failures, and even what errors were thrown. DOH还提供了一个强大的UI,可用来显示成功或失败甚至抛出的错误。
Because its browser-based interface has access to the XMLHttpRequest object, the DOH can support asynchronous unit tests. 因为借助其基于浏览器的界面可以访问XMLHttpRequest对象,所以DOH可以支持异步单元测试。
In the case of demo. doh, it is a module that has a file containing helper functions and a simple DemoWidget. 在demo.doh的示例中,测试的对象是一个模块,它包含帮助函数和一个简单DemoWidget。
The DOH has a another test registration function called doh. registerUrl(). DOH有另外一个测试注册函数,名为doh.registerUrl()。
The DOH also reports the total number of tests run, errors that occurred, and tests that failed. DOH还会报告测试运行、已发生的错误以及失败测试的总数。
Every test framework needs to supply you with a method to check the outcome of a unit test and the DOH is no exception. 每个测试框架都要为开发人员提供检查单元测试结果的方法,DOH也不例外。
The reason to only have a few asserts per test is that it makes it quicker to isolate the failure in the test from the error the DOH reports. 每个测试只有少数几个断言,其原因是这样做能更快地区分出测试失败和DOH所报告的错误。
It would be great if the DOH provided a mechanism that could still run this HTML file and still display the UI. 要是DOH能提供一个既能运行HTML文件又能显示UI的机制就好了。
Because the callback runs later, it cannot be easily try/ catch caught by the DOH when there is a failure, like it does for a synchronous test. 因为回调运行得较晚,所以当故障出现时,DOH很难通过try/catch捕捉到,就如同在同步测试中一样。
The DOH uses Rhino, an open-source JavaScript engine written in Java ™ code, for its command-line interface. DOH为其命令行界面还使用了Rhino,一个用Java™代码编写的开源JavaScript引擎。
Testing stand-alone functions, both synchronous and asynchronous, in the DOH 在DOH中同步和异步地测试独立函数
If any type of exception is thrown in a unit test, the DOH declares the entire test as failed. 如果在一个单元测试中有任何类型的异常被抛出,DOH就会宣布整个测试失败。
The DOH framework is extremely flexible in how tests can be defined and loaded, so often the load flow can be modified to suit your particular structure. DOH框架对如何定义和加载测试的要求很灵活,通常可以修改加载流程以适合您具体的结构。
Bringing it all together: Combining the test definitions into a single DOH test suite 把它们放在一起:将测试定义合并到单个DOH测试套件中
It is recommended that you follow existing conventions until you are comfortable with how the DOH functions. 建议您在熟练掌握DOH工作原理之前,最好遵循现有的约定。
Well, you define an HTML file that instantiates the DOH, instantiates widgets, then defines the test functions to execute. 首先定义一个HTML文件来实例化此DOH、小部件,然后定义要执行的测试函数。
When the unit tests are invoked, the DOH reports any errors that occurred and the specific test that has failed. 当调用单元测试时,DOH就会报告所有已发生的错误及失败的特定测试。
When all test files have been loaded by the DOH the framework automatically executes the tests. 当所有测试文件都由DOH加载后,此框架就会自动执行这些测试。
You create an array of functions or test fixtures, register them, and the DOH will execute them when loaded. 只需创建一个函数数组或测试装置、然后对之进行注册,加载后,DOH就会执行它们。
The test case structure is illustrated by using a demonstration module, demo. doh, that is placed as a peer module to the Dojo directory structure. 通过一个示范模块demo.doh,可以说明测试用例结构,该模块作为一个Dojo目录结构的对等模块。
I play sport on my computer Doh! 我玩我的电脑上卫生署的运动!
But several tobacco manufacturers sued the DoH, questioning the validity of the administrative order. 但是一些烟草制造商起诉卫生部,对行政法令的有效性提出质疑。
Doh! This little corner of the campus, I really hesitate to love it! 真是的!这个小小的校园一角,我真是义无反顾地爱上它了!
This is the only way to succeed in your mission and conquer DOH! 这是成功的唯一途径,这就是您的使命和征服!