Her experience of men was of domination and brutality. 男人给她的感受是支配一切,野蛮残暴。
Their common objective, a criminal objective, was to ensure the domination of Japan's Empire. 是对世界的挑战!他们共同的犯罪目的是为了确保天皇的统治地位!
For unlike the great powers of old, we have not sought world domination. 与以前的强国观念不同,我们并不寻求世界霸权。
But European political and economic domination inevitably meant the diffusion of European political ideas. 但是,欧洲的政治控制和经济控制必然意味着欧洲政治思想的传播。
But you can forget your dreams of world domination. 但你可以忘了你的征服世界梦想。
But kraven's lust for power and domination had failed. 但克莱恩对权力和统治的追求以失败告终。
We agreed that we are opposed to the domination of the Pacific area by any one power. 双方均一致反对任何一个大国对太平洋地区的控制。
Crush opponents for global domination with distinct tactics and unique levels of aggression. 挤压对手统治全球具有独特的战术水平和独特的侵略。
On the contrary, it becomes the foundation to realize the domination and the exclusion of real right. 相反,占有构成物权实现其支配性和排他性的基础。
It was a relationship not of co-operation but of domination. 这不是一种合作关系,而是二种控制关系。
The Nazi regimes devoid of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination. 而纳粹制度除了欲望和种族统治外,毫无宗旨和原则。
Political legitimacy is a concept about the relationship of domination and obedience between the political system and the public. 政治合法性研究的是政治系统与民众之间统治与服从的关系。
Jews conflicted with Jews over how to adapt to Greek and Roman domination and culture. 他们对如何对待希腊罗马文化及统治,产生了分歧。
His domination by his brother made him very angry. 他被他哥哥所控制,这使他非常气愤。
Women who crave domination and rough sex! 渴望统治和粗糙性的女人!
The Roman domination had first brought law and order to western Europe, and the Latin church had restored it; 罗马的统治首次给西欧带来了法治,拉丁教会恢复了治安。
Each nation has the right to determine its own form of government, free of outside interference or domination. 每个国家都有权决定自己的政府形式,而不受外来干涉和控制。
It ended French domination of Europe and brought about great changes in the balance of power there. 它结束了法国在欧洲的统治地位,使欧洲大陆的力量均势发生了巨大变化。
Is this the point at which oil begins to lose its almost total domination in transport? 是不是到了这样一个节点&石油已开始失去在运输业中近乎完全主导的地位?
To end control and domination, focus on freedom and allowing. 为了终止控制和统治,要关注自由和许可;
This would put an end to their dream of world domination. 这将结束他们主宰世界的梦想。
The tyrant's domination was challenged by the rebels. 暴君的统治受到了反叛者的挑战。
Bondage, domination and rough sex! 奴役,统治和粗暴的性行为!
Old China was a semi-colonial country under imperialist domination. 旧中国是一个被帝国主义所控制的半殖民地国家。
The domination of one state over its allies. 一国对其同盟国的控制。
Socialism would not banish rivalry, envy, aggression, possessiveness, domination, and competition. 社会主义并不驱逐敌对、嫉妒、凌侵、占有、统治和竞争。
It would mean the start of the final battle for world domination. 这意味着一场谁将最后统治世界的战争的开始。
Domination ( of a market or commodity) to the exclusion of others. 排除他人的支配(市场或日用品)。
This imperialist domination manifests itself in the political, economic and cultural fields. 帝国主义者的这种控制权,表现在政治、经济和文化等方面。
The Latin American peoples must free themselves from foreign and domestic reactionary political domination. 拉丁美洲的人民必须摆脱外国和本国的反动政治统治。