Nobody was allowed to eat in the Empress Dowager's presence. 在皇帝遗孀面前任何人不得进餐。
The Empress Dowager of the Qing Dynasty attended to state affairs for several decades. 清朝慈禧太后垂帘听政几十年。
The Dowager Duchess lives in a grace and favour apartment at Hampton Court. 那个公爵遗孀居住在汉普顿大楼饮赐的公寓内。
I thought I was talking to the last empress dowager of China. 我还以为我在跟中国的末代太后说话呢。
Empress Dowager Cixi never used this car because she couldn't tolerate a driver to sit in front of her. 慈禧太后从来不坐这辆小汽车,因为她不能忍受司机坐在她的前面。
Like to a step Dame ora dowager. 像一个继妇或寡妇。
Where did Empress Dowager Cixi give audience behind a screen? 慈禧太后在哪儿垂帘听政?
I'm very sorry, young man, but the Dowager empress, she will see no one. 十分抱歉,年轻人,太后不会见任何人的。
The Dowager Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha continued to reside in Coburg. 在萨克森公爵夫人太后科堡与哥达继续居住在科堡。
His most significant conquest at court was not a rich dowager but Sarah, who became his wife. 宫廷生活中,他最大的收获不是某一位富有的贵族遗孀,而是他的公爵夫人–莎拉。
When the Dowager abolished the old examination system, he had begun to fade. 自从西太后废除旧科举制度,他就心灰意懒了。
Even the Dowager had not been as incompetent. 西太后本人当时并非是无能为力的。
A dowager of great revenue. 一个很有钱的寡妇。
With empress dowager's special arrangement, Li Xin and Caijing have to spend an entire night in the same bedroom. however, they have no intimate relationship during that night. 老皇太后和皇后千方百计让李信和彩静二人合房,但二人却没有发生关系。
1900-Empress Dowager Longyu of China orders all foreigners killed, including foreign diplomats and their families. 1900年的今天,中国清朝的隆裕皇后下令杀光所有外国人,包括外国使节和其家庭。
A queen dowager who is mother of the reigning sovereign. 在位君主的母亲,先王的遗孀。
Here was still a lofty self-regard in her bearing the dignity of a dowager empress. 她那派头仍然带有高傲的自尊,具有皇太后一般的尊严。
It is built deep in the jungle in Thailand and Europe-with the construction, the annual rainy season Empress Dowager have lived here for some time. 它是建在丛林深谷中的泰欧式结合的建筑,每年雨季皇太后都要在这里居住一段时间。
The corridor links the area where Empress Dowager Cixi handled state affairs with the residential and sightseeing areas. 长廊连接者慈禧太后处理政务和起居观光的地方。
Handicrafts have been expanded to a greater extent than at any time since the empress dowager was on the throne in Peking. 手工业也得到很大发展,超过了自慈禧太后在北京执政以来的任何时期。
After eating the fine snack, Empress Dowager Cixi was fairly satisfied. 慈禧太后吃了这精美的点心之后,很满意。
The empress dowager gave orders to snuff out the crown prince. 皇太后传旨杀掉皇太子。
Empress Dowager of the palace and gardens from the withers not a dewy rose. 皇太后的花园及行宫是从不曾凋谢的一支带露玫瑰。
He confers on her the title of empress dowager. 册封她?皇太后。
The Garden of Virtuous Harmony is also called the Great Theatre Building. The Great Theatre Building was the place where Beijing Opera was performed for Empress Dowager Cixi. Shortcuts for launch new game or original one: Easily play any mod for the game. 德和园也叫大戏楼。大戏楼是专为慈禧太后表演京戏的地方。启动新游戏和原始游戏的快捷方式:令你非常容易地启动新的游戏模式或者原始游戏模式。
The Sui Dynasty began when Wendi's daughter became the Empress Dowager of Northern Zhou, with her stepson as the new emperor. 隋朝时开始娣的女儿成为慈禧太后的北周,她的继子为新皇帝。
Shou was bestowed by Empress Dowager Cixi when she presented the Empress with the embroidered tapestry, Eight Immortals Celebrating Birthday. 寿被赋予慈禧太后当她颁发绣挂毯,八仙皇后庆祝生日。
However, the Khodorkovsky's Group of the emperor's new trends without notice, but relied on the Empress Dowager, Queen's special relationship intensify their efforts to Shemi the system. 可是,颟顸的霍氏集团对皇帝的新动向毫无察觉,反而依仗皇太后、皇后的特殊关系,变本加厉地专横跋扈、奢靡越制。