It is a downmarket eating house, seating about 60. 这家饭馆档次很低,大约有60个座位。
Capitalism's ability to take things downmarket also has its limits. 资本主义把事物“低端化”的本领也有其不足之处。
All his instincts are downmarket; he is not only a tabloid sensationalist; he is a malicious myth-maker, an assassin of the dignity of others and of respected institutions, all in the guise of anti-elitism. 默多克天生喜欢低端市场的套路:不光热衷于小报式耸人听闻的报道手法,还会不怀好意地编造故事,侮辱别人尊严、抹黑有声望的机构,并把这一切伪装成反精英主义。
Once out of prison, he sold his sensational life story to a downmarket tabloid newspaper. 他一出狱,就把自己那耸人听闻的生活故事卖给了一家低档的小报。
A-list companies that want to boost sales in places like China and India without going too obviously downmarket can offer lower-end products under assumed names, until their customers can afford to buy the real thing. 一流企业如果希望提升在中国和印度这类地方的销售,但又不想显得太掉档次,可以取一些全新的品牌名称来推出较低端的产品,直至顾客能够买得起他们的正宗产品。
EXAMPLE: To increase sales, the famous French designer of very expensive women's fashions also produces a downmarket line of clothes that ordinary business women can afford. 为增加销售额,这家法国的著名高价位女装公司还生产普通职业女性买得起的低端服装。
They like to be incognito, exploring local, sometimes fairly downmarket, restaurants. 他们喜欢悄悄造访一些本地餐馆,有时候还是些很不上档次的馆子。