N-COUNT (某团体或职业中的)老前辈,资格最老者,元老 If you refer to a man as the doyen of a group or profession, you mean that he is the oldest and most experienced and respected member of it.
It first took those doyens of nineteenth-and twentieth-century science fiction, Jules Verne and H.G.Wells, to show us just how driven their imagined scientists could be. 小说开始谈到了十九和二十世纪的科幻前辈,儒勒·凡尔纳和赫伯特·威尔斯,以此向我们显示:他们想象的那些科学家有多么有大志。
Technique will always after the thoughts, in the field of subjective consciousness dominion, doyens unsharp. 技术永远服务于思想,在主观意识控制的领域里,资格老代表不了什么。