Doyle prides himself on his accuracy. 道尔为自己的准确无误感到自豪。
The city could point to literary greats including Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sir Walter Scott, Robert Louis Stevenson and Robert Burns, who all lived and wrote in Edinburgh. 爱丁堡所拥有的文学大师包括亚瑟·柯南·道尔、沃尔特·司各特、罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森和罗伯特·伯恩斯,他们生前都曾在爱丁堡生活和写作。
Conan Doyle also mentioned Watsons second wife in two later stories, but that woman wasnt named. 柯南道尔还在后来的两个故事中提到华生的第二位妻子,但未提及起名字。
Conan Doyle also mentioned an overcoat ( possibly the same one) and a long grey travelling-cloak. 柯南·道尔还提到了另一款大衣(也许就是同一件)以及一件长长的灰色旅行斗篷。
For some artists, bound books are the medium, as in Stephen Doyle's geometric sculpture ( top left) and Su Blackwell's whimsical one ( bottom center). 对有些艺术家来说,精装书是载体,比如在斯蒂芬·道尔(StephenDoyle)的几何图形雕塑(左上)和苏·布莱克威尔(SuBlackwell)异想天开的作品(中下)中。
For the sequel to2009's Sherlock Holmes, director Guy Ritchie wanted to pit Arthur Conan Doyle's famed detective against his greatest adversary: Professor Moriarty ( Mad Men's Jared Harris). 作为2009年《大侦探福尔摩斯》的续集,导演盖·里奇想让阿瑟·柯南道尔笔下的这位著名侦探,和他最大的敌人&教授莫里亚蒂(《广告狂人》中的杰瑞德·哈里斯饰)竞争。
Connolly is now part of Desmond doyle's team. 康诺利现在成了戴斯蒙多伊团队的一份子。
Agent doyle, I told you I'm fine. 道尔特工,我说了没事。
What do literary greats Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Burns have in common? 你知道文坛泰斗亚瑟科南道尔和罗伯特伯恩斯有哪些共同之处吗?
Lee Doyle, a lawyer, is responsible for links between the legal and corporate departments. 律师李•多伊尔(LeeDoyle)负责法律部门与公司各部门之间的联络。
Doyle, for example, included dogs in porcelain and silver in its New York sale. 例如,朵来在其纽约拍卖会上展出了瓷犬和银犬。
Doyle underlined that the students would not welcome these changes. 多伊尔强调学生们不会欢迎这些变动。
Mister Doyle said he learned that his great-grandfather took part in the wrongdoing. 他说他了解到他的曾祖父曾参加了破坏行动。
A fictitious detective in stories by A. Conan Doyle. 柯南道尔小说中的虚构人物。
If he expects Doyle to help him with the work, he's barking up the wrong tree. 如果他指望多伊尔帮他做这事的话,那他找错对象了。
He also heads the Premiership scoring chart together with Doyle and Kanu with eight goals. 在英超射手榜上,德罗巴以8个进球与Doyle和卡努并列榜首。
It's you and me and doyle. 一定是你、我跟杜尔。
Tommy Doyle: I heard that on Halloween night, the boogeyman comes out at night and attacks kids. 汤米·道尔:我听说在万圣节地夜晚,恶魔会出现袭击小孩。
The Doyle couple put down a good supply of meats, eggs, wine and pickles. 多伊尔夫妇贮藏了许多肉、蛋、酒和泡菜。
Was it possible for Simon Doyle to have murdered his wife? 西蒙·多尔有可能杀害自己的妻子吗?
I didn't know you were a Conan Doyle fan, greg. 格雷格,我不知道你是福尔摩斯迷。
Doyle grew tired of turning out what he felt were inferior works of fiction. 柯南道尔厌倦了写他感觉是小说下等品的东西。
Mr Doyle said the offer was ridiculously low. 多伊尔表示,该报价低得可笑。
Doyle could not escape Sherlock Holmes that easily. 柯南道尔没能那么简单地摆脱福尔摩斯。
In a dynamic new portrayal of Arthur Conan Doyle's most famous characters, Sherlock Holmes sends Holmes and his stalwart partner Watson on their latest challenge. 影片《福尔摩斯》对阿瑟·柯南·道尔笔下最有名的角色进行了充满活力的全新演绎,福尔摩斯和他的忠实伙伴华生即将迎接最新的挑战。
I call this a Hound of the Baskervilles signal, after a story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. 我把这个叫做巴斯克维尔猎犬信号,来自阿瑟·柯南·道尔爵士的故事。
When you examined Linnet Doyle's body, doctor. 医生,当你检查林内特·多尔的尸体时。
Christopher Doyle, Don't try for me Argentina, city entertainment, 1997. 出自杜可风的阿根廷不要为我哭泣,城市娱乐,1997。
I found Doyle's camerawork to be lyrical and elegiac. 我发现杜可风的摄影工作是有感觉的和衬歌式的。