Her husband had also been dragooned into the excursion. 她的丈夫也被拉来参加远足了。
I've been dragooned into giving the after-dinner speech. 我被迫做一场饭后演讲。
The history teacher who had dragooned me into taking the exam is a nit-picking person. 硬逼我去考试的历史老师是个吹毛求疵的人。
We were dragooned into going to the opera. 我们迫不得已去看了那场歌剧。
I was dragooned into helping. 我是被迫帮忙的。
And so, feeling dragooned, I would go over to those kids, whoever they were, wherever we were, kick a stone for poise, then introduce myself and ask to join in whatever they were doing. 于是,迫于压力,我会走近那些孩子,不管他们是谁,也不管我们在哪儿。我先踢颗石子让自己镇定下来,然后自我介绍并要求加入他们,无论他们在做什么。
He was dragooned to kneel before the enemy. 他被硬逼在敌人面前跪下。
The Japanese invaders dragooned him into telling where the guerrilla forces were. 日本侵略者强迫他说出游击队在什么地方。
He was dragooned into attending the gathering. 他被硬逼参加那个聚会。