
英 [drəˈɡuːnz] 美 [drəˈɡuːnz]

n.  (旧时携枪的)骑兵


  1. (旧时欧洲的)骑兵
    A dragoon was a soldier in old European armies. Dragoons usually fought on horseback.
    1. VERB 迫使;强使…做
      If someone dragoons you into doing something that you do not want to do, they persuade you to do it even though you try hard not to agree.
      1. ...the history professor who had dragooned me into taking the exam...
      2. Her husband had also been dragooned into the excursion.


    1. He felt instinctively that if he were to charge with his hussars on the French dragoons now, they could not stand their ground; but if he were to charge it must be that very minute or it would be too late.
    2. He spurred his horse, shouted the command, and the same instant flew full trot down-hill towards the dragoons, hearing the tramp of his squadron behind him.
    3. The infantry mercenaries, the dragoons, hussars and most of the artillery was in the center under the command of John Kazimierz.
    4. He is said to have adapted the long cavalry pantaloons favoured by the10th Light Dragoons as a replacement for the knee-length breeches and stockings that were then commonplace.
    5. At that moment the dragoons and the crowd touched.
    6. Now, the dragoons of the past are all but gone.
    7. Battles in the third age tended to be relatively small, but by themobs of dragoons charging into battle.
    8. Wolf's Dragoons were declared the victors!
    9. He was fond of saying," there is a bravery of the priest as well as the bravery of a colonel of dragoons,& only," he added," ours must be tranquil. "
    10. Wealthy, neutral, and ever powerful, The Kingdom of Sweden patiently waits to conquer the losing side of the Russian Polish conflict with an army of dreaded dragoons and musketeers.
    11. Before them two squares, behind them Somerset; Somerset meant fourteen hundred dragoons of the guard.
    12. After many desperate attempts against waves of guards, moment arrived! The Wolf's Dragoons cast the spell and all other clans and witnesses were immediately teleported from the castle.
    13. Enjolras and his friends had been on the Boulevard Bourdon, near the public storehouses, at the moment when the dragoons had made their charge.
    14. These weary dragoons will keep the crown of the wasteland and none will get out of Appin but winged fowls.
    15. Dragoons: These are a type of soldier trained to fight both mounted and on foot.