When the chains are long, you can drap them along the ceiling or stair rail. 当链长,你可以德拉沿着天花板或楼梯扶手他们。
In slave days, it was something they never tasted except at Christmas, when each one received a "drap" along with his gift. 在奴隶制时代,除圣诞节外,他们从来也尝不到它,只有到了圣诞节,每个黑人在领取礼物时可以尝到那么“一丁点儿”。
In respect of fabric drap, there are minor differences between silk fabric and silk-like polyester one abroad, but domestic silk-like polyester fabric has major differences compared with silk fabric, and its fabric structure parameters are to be designed rationally. 在悬垂性方面,涤纶仿真丝和真丝织物相比差距较小,但国内的涤纶仿真丝织物相互之间也存在较大差距,在织物结构参数方面有待进一步合理配置。