The drawdown on public and private funds combined is expected to exceed$ 1 trillion. 这些准备工作预计将耗费超过1万亿美元的公共和私人资金。
This drawdown will continue and by the end of next year, our war in Afghanistan will be over. 这一撤军进程将持续到明年底,到那时阿富汗战争将会结束。
The disappointing production data have been accompanied by a sharp drawdown in inventories at LME-registered warehouses. 产量数据令人失望的同时,在LME注册仓库的总库存也出现显著下降。
Carter met with President Ghani, discussing both the drawdown and Afghan efforts to fight the Taliban. 卡特与阿富汗总统加尼举行了会谈,讨论了撤军以及阿富汗打击塔利班的行动。
Analysts say the drawdown in inventories is unlikely to be long-lasting. 分析人士表示,库存水平不太可能持久下降。
The climate change and overexploitation of the ground water caused the continuous drawdown of the ground water. 当地气候变化特点以及过度开采也造成了地下水的持续下降。
Afghanistan is close enough to the drawdown of NATO troops in2014 not to pull out in haste. 阿富汗北约的部队还是不要急于在2014年撤军。
Analysis on Meteorological Contributing Factors of Groundwater Drawdown Funnel in Langfang 廊坊市地下水位下降漏斗的气象成因分析
That troop drawdown is now being studied by the Defense Department and President Obama, and it will be based on conditions in Afghanistan. 目前,国防部和奥巴马总统正在基于阿富汗的局势研究撤军问题。
Weights Analysis on Instable Factors of Residual Soil Slope Under Drawdown of Reservoir Water Level 库水位下降时残积土边坡失稳因素的权重分析
This shows that the expert advisor works really well in low drawdown. 这表明,专家顾问的作品真的很好低缩编。
Drawdown a RMB Short Term Revolving Loan to repay the existing loan as per the attached CNY Loan Agreement. 按照所附的中国货币(民币)款协议,拨出一个自动展期的人民币短期循环贷款去偿还现有的贷款。
The sanding mechanism and sanding critical drawdown calculation in loose sandstone 疏松砂岩出砂机理与出砂临界压差计算方法
Emendation of drawdown in pumping wells for numerical modeling of groundwater flow; 三维数值模拟抽水降水问题中,抽水井的处理是一个难点。
The drawdown of oil supplies; a drawdown of investment capital. 油供应的耗尽;投资资本的耗尽。
In their talks, Mr Obama and Mr Cameron discussed the drawdown. 在奥巴马与卡梅伦的会晤中,他们讨论了缩减阿富汗驻军的问题。
Another important expression in calculations for ground water and dams is "drawdown". 在地下水和坝的计算中,另一个重要的用语就是水位降落。
Model test study of slope instability induced by rapid drawdown of water level 水位骤降对边坡稳定性影响的模型试验研究
In design of homogeneous earth dam, sudden drawdown of water level is always a control condition for stability of upstream slope. 在均质土坝设计中,水位骤降通常是上游边坡稳定计算时需控制的工况。
President Barack Obama's announcement of a gradual drawdown of American forces in Afghanistan is getting mixed reviews from U. 奥巴马总统宣布逐渐从阿富汗撤军在美国议员当中引起了不同的评论。
The change in the well loss value with time and with groundwater level drawdown is also discussed. 最后分析水跃值随时间和抽水井水位降深的变化规律。
The military announced the completion of the drawdown on Tuesday, about a week before the deadline set by President Barack Obama. 美国军方星期二宣布完成了驻伊美军人数的削减。这比奥巴马总统设定的最后期限提前了一个星期。
Lieutenant General Austin left open the possibility that if security deteriorates, the Iraq drawdown schedule could change. 奥斯丁少将保留了在伊拉克安全局势恶化的情况下美国改变撤军日程的可能性。
Sudden drawdown also occurs at low tide behind any sea wall which is wetted at high tide. 在高潮时浸湿的任何海堤的后面,当低潮时也会出现急遽的水面降落现象。
Unsteady Seepage Test under Condition of Rapid Drawdown 水位降落条件下非稳定渗流试验研究
Unsteady testing for oil and gas well includes testing of drawdown curve and build-up curve. 油井和气井的压力不稳定测试,包括压降曲线测试和压力恢复测试。
Then it is necessary to factor in the effect of delayed drawdown of committed funds. 这样,就有必要计入推迟撤走承诺资金的影响。
Further derivation leads to a linear relationship between land subsidence and aquifer drawdown. 进一步推导发现地面沉降与地下水头降深之间具有线性关系。
A research into drawdown pressure impacts on sand production from unconsolidated sand reservoirs 生产压差对疏松砂岩储层出砂影响规律研究
The species composition and abundance of both the marsh seed bank and the vegetative propagule bank were compared with those of the drawdown and flooded vegetation types. 将沼泽种子库和植被繁殖体库与枯水期和丰水期的植被类型的物种组成和丰度进行比较。