'They were divine,' she sighs, dreamily “他们是神圣的,”她神情恍惚地叹了口气。
She stared dreamily out of the small window at the blue horizon. 她出神地看着小窗子外面的蓝色地平线。
"It was beautiful," he repeated dreamily, a minute later. “真是美妙,”过了一分钟他又重复道。
He was dreamily thinking about her when out of the lamp-lit haze came Marleen, a coquettish beauty with sea-green eyes whom Leip had met at an art gallery. 他正在如痴如梦地想念者她。这时,从灯光照耀下的迷雾中走来了玛伦,一个长者海蓝色眼睛的风骚美人,莱普曾在一个艺术画廊中遇到过她。
'Perhaps to show his diamond ring,' murmured Sir John, dreamily, from his chair. 大概是炫耀他的钻石戒指吧,约翰爵士坐在椅子上打瞌睡,嘴里嘟哝着说。
An elderly neighbor, rarely seen outside her house, was leaning against our car humming dreamily to the tune. 一位极少出门、上了年纪的老邻居,正靠在我们的车旁,跟着曲子沉醉地哼唱着。
There was a dark hole in the bank, and the Mole watched it dreamily, thinking that it would be very pleasant to have a little house by the river. 那儿有一个黑洞,鼹鼠出神地看着,想:在河边有一间小房子应该会很惬意的。
The two friends talked from time to time, but mostly the Mole just watched the river dreamily, enjoying the sounds and the smells and the sunlight. 这俩朋友时不时地聊着天,但更多的时候,鼹鼠仅仅是神思恍惚地注视着河水,享受着自然界的音响,气味,还有阳光。
He was sitting smoking a pipe, dreamily watching the water, and holding a book. 他坐在那儿,叼着烟斗迷迷糊糊地望着河水,手里拿着一本书。
But I dreamily dream on what I wanna believe. 但是,我朦胧的梦想,我愿意相信。
'she would look beautiful in the new dress,'tommy said dreamily. ‘穿上这套新衣服她会很漂亮的。’汤姆像做梦似的说。
Alexandra watched the shimmering pool dreamily. 亚历山德拉出神地望着波光粼粼的池塘。
But she had forgotton all about the fish, and was looking dreamily at the glassy water. 他慢慢地把钓鱼这件事完全忘掉了,却恍恍惚惚地凝视着一平如镜的池水。
I see in you, Nelly,'she continued dreamily,'an aged woman: you have grey hair and bent shoulders. “耐莉,我看,你呀,”她作梦似地继续说,“是个上了年纪的女人啦:你有灰头发和溜肩膀。
Michela stared dreamily out at the falling snow. 米凯勒心不在焉地看着外边的降雪。
"I love children," as he put it to me one night, smiling almost dreamily. “我喜欢孩子,”一天晚上他对我说,脸上漾起梦幻般的神情。
Based on the analysis at natural ecological characteristic and construction target, the design of Shanghai New Jiangwan city, inspired by daedal nature, combines the project with arts and converts the bald bridge to landscape focus and sightseeing platform dreamily. 摘要上海新江湾城的重点桥梁桥型的设计从自然生态与建设目标出发,从大自然中选萃灵感,使工程与艺术相融合,将工程化的桥梁演绎为梦幻般的景观焦点与观景平台。
He closed his eyes, dreamily thinking of his mom. 他闭上眼,梦想他的妈妈。
A real "post-partisan" president would be trying to bully through this compromise, not talking dreamily about wanting health care for all at no cost to anybody but the rich. 一个真正的“后超合作党”总统应该通过这种妥协去立威,而不是天真的告诉所有人医改的神奇之处只是让富人出钱。
Last night I swallowed the drug and floated dreamily into the golden valley and the shadowy groves; 昨晚我吞下了这药,如梦似幻地飘过金色的山谷和幽暗的树丛;
"Yes, home." Her eyes dreamily move the distance limit of NCS. 她的眼光梦幻般地移向新中方在远方的极限。
He stared dreamily around him. 他神情恍惚地凝望四周。
The dreamily brooding look of the river, the circling of the jackdaws, and the sight of the horse make him drowsy. 那条河沉思昏睡的外貌、那些盘旋不已的寒鸦、那匹马,都给他带来了睡意。