Within the hour he had slipped once again into deep and dreamless oblivion. 不出一小时,他再次陷入了无梦的沉睡。
It grows in the sun and sleeps in the stillness of the night; and it is not dreamless. 它在阳光下生长,在夜的寂静中安眠,而那睡眠并非天梦。
Dreamless sleep is much shallower, and we have all witnessed cats or dogs cocking their ears to a sound when apparently fast asleep. 无梦睡眠则要浅得多。我们都看到过猫和狗在显然的酣睡中,有一点响动耳朵就会竖起来。
During the typical human experience, say the yogis, most of us are always moving between three different levels of consciousness-waking, dreaming or deep dreamless sleep. 瑜伽士说,典型的人类经验,始终游走在三种不同的意识层之间清醒、梦境,或无梦境的沉睡。
At night he'd fashion a makeshift tent in which he'd fall into a heavy, dreamless sleep, rarely waking before dawn. 到了晚上他制作了一个简易帐篷后,便一头倒在里面沉沉睡去,一直睡到天亮。
But, deep dreamless sleep would take you down to the lowest frequency, typically 2 to 3 cycles a second. 但是无梦的深层睡眠将使你的脑电波频率降到最低,通常情况下为每秒2-3周。
Of course you believe that at times you're in dreamless sleep. 你当然是相信有时你能进入无梦睡眠的。
That is a shocking statement, because basically, there is nothing literally nothing in the deep dreamless state. 这是一句很惊人的话,因为基本上,无梦深睡中是什么也不存在的。
But think of the various periods during the night in which you are in a deep, deep dreamless sleep. 但请设想你处在这样的夜晚,你处于熟睡,安枕无梦。
She fell into a dreamless sleep. 她进入无梦的睡乡。
From the mere fact that they can't picture it from the inside, it doesn't follow that nobody believes they're ever in dreamless sleep. 仅从他们无法设身处地,想象这种情况这个事实,是无法得出没有人相信,自己能处于无梦睡眠的结论的。
He lay in a dreamless night. 躺在无梦的夜晚。
Finally, exhausted and exhilarated, he soon fell into a mercifully dreamless sleep. 最后,他觉得困乏了,可还是喜孜孜的,终于很快就昏昏沉沉地睡着了。
Have some flowers and croissants ready to make up in the morning, and prepare for8 hours of dreamless, pain-free shut-eye* on the sofa. 好明早的鲜花和羊角面包,你就可以8小时深度睡眠了,不过,是在沙发上。
There is nothing that it's like to be in dreamless sleep. 没有感觉可以形容无梦的睡眠。
The normal brainwave in the encephalogram of a person in deep dreamless sleep; occurs with high voltage and low frequency ( 1 to 4 hertz). 在脑电图中一个沉睡无梦的人显示的正常脑波,电压高,频率低(赫兹)。
He fell into the dreamless sleep which rounded off his past. 他睡着了,睡得非常沉,好像把过去的岁月全补足。
Sleeping at last in a dreamless sleep locked fast. 终于在无梦的睡眠中睡得香。
What always awaited me then was a night of easy, dreamless sleep. 那时候,等待我的总是轻松的、连梦也不作的睡眠。
I fell straight into a dreamless sleep. 我一下子就进入了无梦的酣睡。
When you're in dreamless sleep, you're not imagining or experiencing anything. 当在无梦的睡眠中时,你没有想象或者体验任何事。
I can picture being in dreamless sleep quite easily. 我能够轻而易举地想象无梦的睡眠。
Well, should we conclude, therefore, so nobody really believes that they're ever in dreamless sleep? 那么我们就应该得出结论,没有人真正相信,他们可以进入无梦的睡眠么?