She is still writing mindless drivel. 她还在写些没头没脑的东西。
They pandered& first to the "general public" and then to "the youth demo," with all kinds of terrible, marketing-department-inspired drivel. 报纸开始迎合,首先是迎合“公众”,然后是迎合“年轻人”,在营销部门的激励下,它们几乎尝试了各种各样可怕的愚蠢行为。
But often once you buy a book you feel to read it, even if it is drivel. 但是你可能经常会买回来一本你发现并不喜欢的书。
But whether you should consider leaving depends on four things: the frequency of the drivel; your proximity to it; how seriously it is taken by others and, most crucially, whether you have to pretend to take it seriously yourself. 然而,是否应该考虑离开取决于四个方面:废话出现的频率;你与它的距离:其他同事对待它的认真程度,最重要的是,你自己是否必须假装认真对待它。
But worst of all, the fact that you are even considering even if only ironically complying with something so brainless as an outcome-based dress code makes me fear it might be time for you to go somewhere that takes drivel less seriously. 但最糟糕的是,你甚至正在考虑即便只是出于讽刺遵守一种愚蠢到要求基于结果的着装规定,这让我担心,或许你应该换一个对待职场废话不那么认真的东家了。
The most usual sort of drivel is intermittent, comes from someone distant, usually in HR, and is routinely ignored by all. 最常见的那种废话是间歇性出现的,来自远处的某个人(通常在人力资源部门),而且通常被所有人忽略。
The question is whether one should work for a company that spouts cretinous drivel. 问题的实质是,一个人是否应该为一家滔滔不绝说废话的公司工作。
Xiangzi couldn't bear to listen to this drivel. 祥子不能再听这些闲盘儿。
Yet this was not how commentators following the 90 minutes of drivel chose to see the matter. 然而,听了90分钟废话的评论人士们可并不这么看问题。
You're going to have to rewrite this essay-at the moment, it's just drivel. 你得重写这篇文章按现在的情形看,它根本就是言之无物。
You do talk drivel sometimes! 你有时候还真会说傻话!
You and the lunatic fringe that listen to this drivel have ruined the country, and subverted conservatism into the ideology of hate. 你和那些听这些胡言乱语的极端分子简直毁了这个国家,愚蠢地把保守主义颠覆成了怨恨!
No offence, mark, butwe both know thatthis is drivel. 别生气,马克,但你我都清楚这是骗人的。
This is triple-A drivel. 这是个三A级的胡话。
But there is too little gold and too much drivel. 但是宝贵的东西太少,胡言乱语太多。
It is certainly surprising that such a highly reputable magazine should drivel about the matter. 声誉很高的杂志竟然对此事胡言一派,确实令人诧异。
Both men are creating a new sort of business drivel: billionaire financier drivel. 这两人都在创造一种新的商业胡话:亿万富翁金融家的胡话。
In any case, employees generally don't bother to read the management drivel that lands in their in-boxes, and when they do they hardly ever take it seriously. 不管怎样,员工们一般不会费心去查阅收件箱里管理层的那些鬼话,即使看了也从不会当真。
Most of what he said was absolute drivel. 他说的大多数话都是胡言乱语。
What all this tells us is not that all women talk drivel, but that everyone talks drivel when they start thinking about women as a general topic. 这一切所昭示的,并非所有女性都废话连篇,而是当人们开始把女性作为一个主题来考量时,人人都会说些废话。
Don't talk such drivel! 不要讲这么无聊的话!
If what he meant was that in 2010 consultants would continue to pass off drivel as wisdom, he had already proved himself right. Then I read Allan Leighton's advice to businesses for the new year. 如果他指的是,咨询公司在2010年将继续用废话冒充智慧,那么他已经证明了自己的观点。接着,我阅读了阿兰雷顿(AllanLeighton)对各家企业的新年建言。
The promotional video for the event shows MS Shriver talking a blue streak of drivel. 在该活动的宣传视频中,施莱弗女士废话连篇。
Employees are likely to laugh their tails off at any boss who cites this drivel as inspiration. 老板要把这一派胡言奉为灵感,雇员可能会笑掉大牙。
This is utter rot. Some of the very best salesmen talk the most awful drivel and have emerged from school without any flair for grammar. 一些最优秀的销售人员说着最糟糕的傻话,他们从学校毕业时没掌握任何语法。
Now don't you give me that stale drivel, Leslie. 莱斯里,你别也来向我胡扯那套陈词滥调。
Catherine, before you buy into this drivel, ask yourself why does China have a trade surplus with the US, and why the US has trouble paying its debt, i.e raising the debt ceiling? 凯瑟琳,在你说出这些胡言乱语之前,问问自己,为什么中国对美国有一个贸易顺差,以及我们为什么支付债务困难,提高债务上限?
When I left, she was still drivel in gon about her popularity in school. 我离开时她还在瞎扯她学校出风头的事。
Which is just the sort of meaningless drivel that will make this new economic power fit right in with the business supremos of the Anglo-Saxon world. 凭着这类毫无意义的废话,这个新兴经济大国与盎格鲁撒克逊世界的商业巨擘们将会很合得来。
How can you watch that drivel on TV? 你怎麽能看电视上那种胡说八道的东西?