No report has appeared and no such agreements have been made – or are likely to be, since there is no flicker of interest in droit de suite in the US, Switzerland or China. 目前尚无任何报告发布,也没达成任何此类协议&或者说似乎不可能达成此类协议,因为美国、瑞士或中国对追续权都没有表现出半点兴趣。
To droit of illegal change town enterprise, detinue or free uses town enterprise property, dismiss illegally of town enterprise controller with the act that violates a town enterprise to manage own advantageous position, instruct by Department of administration of town enterprise of prefectural class above correct. 对于非法改变乡镇企业所有权的,非法占有或者无偿使用乡镇企业财产的,非法撤换乡镇企业负责人的和侵犯乡镇企业经营自主权的行为,由县级以上乡镇企业行政治理部门责令改正。
Estate sets the right of allusion to be building droit. 房地产设典的权利为房屋所有权。
The droit required by normal people, by disadvantage groups, by history and future, so much as animal, foliage, steams and valley. 这权利包括普通人的,弱势者的,也包括历史的权利,明天的权利,甚至动物、植物的权利,河流山谷的权利。
What is is state-owned land access mortgaged and the relation of building droit? 国有土地使用权被抵押和房屋所有权的关系是什么?
The Relativization of Chattel and Real Estate& Also on the Impact of Classification of Real Goods on the Evolution of Droit Concept 动产与不动产区分的相对化&兼论物的分类对所有权观念演进的影响
Of property regulation set: the property that the27th owner enjoys lawfully is common place, common the droit of facilities facilities or use, construction unit does not get disciplinary action of do sth without authorization. 物业治理条例的规定:第二十七条业主依法享有的物业共用部位、共用设施设备的所有权或者使用权,建设单位不得擅自处分。
The citizen applies for building droit to register, must use census register full name, do not get use alias, alias or anonym. 公民申请房屋所有权登记,必须使用户籍姓名,不得使用化名、别名或假名。
You haven't droit of friend! 你连做朋友的权利都没有!
The sun that from building droit card signs and issue rises, buyer begins to acquire building property. 自房屋所有权证签发之日起,买方开始取得房屋所有权。
If acquire the commodity house of droit, build room, allow to appear on the market oneself trading room changes room, economy applicable room. 如取得所有权的商品房、自建房、准予上市交易的房改房、经济适用房等。
The origin of capital is different, property is different, droit is different also. 资金的来源不同,性质就不同,所有权也就不同。
Not of patent application, without droit, what be used by other random is jural do not protect without proclaimed in writing. 未申请专利的、没有所有权,被他人任意使用的法律上不没有明文保护。
If what you say, droit is others, and you are patted the photograph is to do business, in agree to be used as commerce without them buy tort. 如你所说,所有权是别人的,并且你拍的照片是做商业用,在未经他们同意做为商业使用购成侵权。
Its basis basically is the immanent and external demand of the droit of factor of production and market economy. 其依据主要是生产要素的所有权和市场经济的内在客观要求。
The action of the droit of factor of production and aborning of factor of production is to press foundation of theory of distributive of factor of production. 生产要素的所有权和生产要素在生产中的作用是按生产要素分配的理论基础。
The origin of Droit de Suite has the theoretic rational basis owing to its conformity with the value orientation of fairness and justice. 追续权制度的产生因符合公平正义的价值取向而获得理论合理性基础。
Critical resources should be segmentable droit collective, even virtual. 关键资源应该是一束可分割的权利集,即使是一束虚拟的权利集;
Traditional authors hope that the droit of their traditional writings can be expanded to Net, and those who have get benefit from Net hope that the rights and interests of Net can be protected by traditional copyright. 传统著作权人希望将其对传统作品的权利能自然延伸至互联网上,互联网上的既得利益者则希望互联网上的权益能得到传统著作权的扩大保护。
Through the proposition that people of housing district is the people of droit, the article attempts to analyze three kinds of conformations of owner's ownership, that is possession of singleness, separateness and communion. 通过业主是住宅小区所有权人这一命题分析了业主所有权的三种形态,即单独所有、共有和区分所有。
Guarantee for transfer is a kind of non-representative surety system which developed from precedent and law theory in civil law system countries. Creditor 'rights can be assured by transferring the droit of the guaranty beforehand. 让与担保是大陆法系国家经判例学说发展起来的一种非典型担保制度,它是通过预先转移担保标的物的所有权来实现对债权的担保。
Chapter four chiefly discusses how to protect copyright by means of law, and introduces the main body, object of copyright and the droit system of copyright law in detail. 第四章主要讨论如何以法律手段保护互联网著作权,对著作权的主体、客体和著作权法的权利体系都进行了详细的介绍;
Self-defense is a means of self-help by which a civics can achieve his droit, it's usually an important part and focus of Criminal Law. 正当防卫是公民实现自我权利的一种自力救济手段,是刑法学理论中的一个重要内容,历来是刑法实践聚讼的焦点。
The separation of the two rights refers to the separation of the droit of the capital and the droit of the assets. The separation brings entrustment risk to the stockholders. 两权分离是指资本所有权与资产所有权分离,资产所有权与资本所有权分离给股东带来了委托风险。
Clearly stipulate the law status of enterprise labors, having the laboring droit reverted to laboring power and obtaining the same law status with capital power; 明确规定企业劳动者的法律地位,使劳动权利在公司治理结构层面上还原为劳动权力,并获得与资本权力等量齐观的法律地位,在公司监事会中加大职工代表监事的比例。
The club could unite the local media units and manage the correlative droit together. 各俱乐部应该争取和当地媒体单位联姻,共同经营主场相关权利;充分保护消费者的利益,满足消费者需要;
The conflicts of policy and system in City Villages 'regeneration are studied, it is favorable to the City Villages' regeneration that the harmonies of population registered permanent residence system, the droit of land and management system, and the implementation of urban planning; 通过对城中村改造存在的政策体制冲突与协调分析,认为加大政府投资,强化人口户籍制度、土地权属制度和管理体制以及城市规划等方面冲突的和谐,有利于城中村改造进行;
However, as to distribution of the bankruptcy properties, the Bankruptcy Law does not distribute properties in proportion according to creditors and obliges 'request in practice, but differs with different droit characters. 然而,在实践中,对于破产财产的分配,破产法并不是笼统上将所有债权人和相关权利人的请求额按比例平均分配的,而是根据不同的权利性质加以区别对待的。
Due to the establishment of transfer does not need to mortgage the possession of so will not to the property ownership and use effect, thus building droit where people can have rental houses set hypothec, tenant of preemptive right there is no conflict with mortgage. 由于抵押权的设立并不需要移转财产的占有,所以不会对财产的占有和使用产生影响,因而房屋所有人可以在已经出租的房屋上设定抵押权。