I'm very drunk, and I intend getting still drunker before the evening's over. 我是醉得不轻,而且今夜我还要喝。
The faster you gulp, the drunker you'll get. 喝得越快,醉得越厉害。
Or if you are, I'm much drunker than I realized. 如果你是的话,我就比我想得更醉了。
On top of the cinematic world before she was old enough to worry about acne, Barrymore embarked on a long downward spiral in1984a drunker, then came marijuana, cocaine and an attempt to suicide. 巴里莫尔尚未到为粉刺发愁的年龄就已处在电影界的颠峰,此时她在1984年走了长长一段下坡路&酗酒,接着又吸食大麻、卡因,还曾企图自杀。
NEW YORK ( Reuters Health)-Having your alcohol with a sugar-free artificially sweetened mixer may cut calories, but it will also make you drunker, a study suggests. 饮用含有人工致甜的无糖鸡尾酒虽然会减少卡路里的摄入,但这可能更易让人醉,一项研究表明。
I've seen you drunker! And you've seen me. 我也见过你醉过。