You get a lot of unruly drunks fighting each other. 有很多无法无天的醉鬼在相互斗殴。
Hollywood films misrepresented us as drunks, maniacs and murderers 好莱坞电影把我们歪曲成酒鬼、疯子和杀人凶手。
In all my years of driving a taxicab, I have never had any trouble with the public, not even with drunks. 开出租的这些年,我从没和乘客有过纠纷,连给醉鬼开车也没出过麻烦。
At night the edifice is light up with dancing hallowed lights and local drunks sit on benches nearby to enjoy the display. 到了晚上,大厦的灯亮了,而其中心的灯光舞动着,当地的醉汉们坐在路边的长凳上,欣赏着这美丽的夜色。
I'm usually accosted by beggars and drunks as I walk to the station. 我在去车站的路上常常会碰到乞丐和醉汉。
We lost a Mongolian deportee, we had a flat tyre on an aircraft, we had two drunks to deal with and some bags went missing. 我们丢了一个被驱逐出境的蒙古人,有架飞机的一个轮胎漏了气,有两个酒鬼必须处理,还有些行李包不见了。
I need to find a bunch of drunks for my son to play with. 我还必须为我的儿子找到一群愿意同他一起玩耍的痴汉。
We were menaced by drunks. 我们受到醉汉们的恐吓。
And my friends are all drunks. 而我的朋友又都是酒鬼。
In a civilized country people could not defense the drunks and the delinquents on a public site or on newspapers, this happens only in your country. 在一个文明的国家里,人们不会在公共场合或报纸上为醉汉和罪犯辩护,这种事只会在你的国家发生。
Sheriffs and Deputies can throw Drunks in jail to sober them up. 警长和治安人员可以把醉汉抓进监狱。
The police run the two drunks in for causing a disturbance in the street. 警察把两个醉鬼抓了起来,因他们在街上闹事。
They pushed us back through Blaine, where the drunks from the taverns joined in, up to the peace arch. 他们迫使我们从布莱恩一路后退,一直退到了和平拱门,布莱恩镇上酒馆里的那些醉汉也加入其中。
Vagrants and drunks hang around the bars at the end of the street. 无赖和醉鬼们在街头的酒吧里荡悠。
As a result, drunks not only make a fool of themselves but their drunken behavior could endanger their safety and the safety of others. 结果,酗酒不仅使自己出丑,其行为还会危及自身的安全和他人的安全。
Off the drunks perhaps. 也许就在醉鬼身上打打算盘吧。
The argument between the two drunks ended in a free-for-all in which about 20 people became involved. 两个醉汉之间的争论最后发展到由约20人自由参加的讨论。
Bullies and ruffians, swaggerers and drunks occasionally invade these places, but they are never the real danger. 仗势欺人者和流氓无赖、虚张声势者和醉鬼刚不时侵入这些地方,但他们决非真正的危险。
The Church provides social services, from counselling for drunks and sex-addicts to providing help with transport. 教会提供从酗酒与性瘾咨询到提供交通帮助的社交服务。
Don't tangle with drunks. 不要和醉汉发生争执。
And I don't fight with angry drunks. 我可不想跟个愤怒的醉鬼吵架。
The regulars, a group of silent, pretty grisly-looking drunks, never once took their eyes off me. 那几位常客,一群沉默无语、凶神恶煞般的醉鬼,一刻都没有把目光从我身上拿掉。
And then for trial in range number of trials, it creates a drunk, and I'm putting the trial as part of the drunk's name, we can make sure the drunks are all different. 然后再实验的试验范围中,他创建了一个drunk对象,我把实验数,作为这些酒鬼的名字,从而保证每个酒鬼都是不一样的。
Just Iike it's none of my business that you IET pregnant drunks use you. 就象你被醉酒的孕妇利用也不关我事一样。
I was woken up by a couple of drunks larking around with a dustbin in the street. 我被几个在街上敲打垃圾桶胡闹的醉鬼吵醒了。
Drunks have a way of becoming much less troublesome if they are slapped around a little. 醉汉们要是挨一顿揍会少惹许多麻烦。
A few nights earlier, a proud member described this place as a club for "drunks, cheapskates and losers". 几天前的一个晚上,一位自命不凡的会员曾把这里描述为醉鬼、吝啬鬼和失败者的俱乐部。
Drunks will reform if they are taken to a church. 把醉汉带到教堂,可以改变他们。
You don't intervene between those two drunks. 你不要在那两个酒鬼之间进行调解。
I was pestered by a couple of drunks as I left the hotel. 我离开饭店的时候被几个酒鬼纠缠着。