Translation of the Chinese Dual-Function Constituent Sentence into English: Functional Equivalence Perspective 从功能对等角度看汉语兼语句的英译
Development of nitrogen/ methanol gas mixture made by a dual-function catalyst 双功能催化剂制取的氮/甲醇气氛应用研究
Development and application of high-frequency/ submerged arc dual-function spiral weld-pipe mill line 高频-埋弧双功能螺旋焊管机组的研究与应用
In this paper an atmosphere of N2/ CH3OH made by a dual-function catalyst is introduced. 本文介绍了一种用双功能催化剂制取的氮/甲醇含成气氛。
Engineering design and commercial application of flexible dual-function catalytic cracking process 灵活双效催化裂化(FDFCC)工艺的工程设计及工业应用
Aiming at the membrane fouling of membrane bioreactor, an original bioreactor& dual-function ceramic membrane bioreactor has been developed. 针对目前膜生物反应器运行过程中膜易污染的问题,研制了一种新型的双功能陶瓷膜生物反应器。
The Analysis of the Building of Dual-Function Teachers in Vocational Colleges 新办高职院校双师型师资建设探析
Based on the physical design parameters of ITER and the results of the ( neutronics) calculation, the thermal-hydraulic design scheme for the Dual-function ( Lithium-Lead) Test Blanket Module ( DFLL-TBM) is presented. The pressure drops of the helium and liquid metal system are calculated. 依据ITER堆芯物理参数和中子学计算结果,给出了双功能锂铅实验包层模块热工水力学设计方案,并对氦气系统和液态金属锂铅系统压降和驱动功率进行了初步计算。
Application of dual-function catalyst in hydrotreating coking rich gas for hydrogen production 双功能加氢精制催化剂在焦化富气制氢中的应用
The said dual-function weld-pipe line is well-arranged in process now, simply structured, easy-to-switch-over for functions, highly automatic, effectively invested and highly profit-making. 双功能焊管机组的工艺布置合理、结构简单、功能切换方便、自动化程度高、投资少、创效益能力强。
However, this result ruled out the decomposition effect of dual-function material to H2O2 in the visual detection, made the results more credible. 6. 但是,这一结果排除了在可视化检测中双功能材料对过氧化氢分解的作用,使结果更加可信。
They can be used as high performance acid, oxidational or dual-function catalyst in the homogeneous and heterogeneous systems. 它们在均相和非均相体系中,可用作性能优异的酸碱、氧化还原或双功能催化剂。
Theory of exchange rate dual-function also implies that the governors can make choice in the exchange rate choosing space. 汇率双重职能理论为宏观政策管理者提供了选择汇率的空间。
Based on the previous hedging models, this study proposes a dual-function model of hedging. 在评析前人的模糊限制语研究模式的基础上,本研究提出了模糊限制语的双功能模式并由此提出了对模糊限制语的分类。
Presently the dual-function mechanism and electronic effect are widely accepted as the catalytic mechanism. 目前,关于其催化机理,普遍的看法是双功能机理及电子效应。
The dual-function system of Starting and generation is increasingly becoming an important direction of development of modern advanced airborne electronic equipment. 异步电机起动发电双功能系统正日益成为现代先进机载电气设备的一个重要发展方向。