He ignores the traditional Christian dualism between body and soul. 他无视传统基督教的肉体与灵魂的二元论。
It leaves us with a dualism of properties, or qualities, that is just as baffling. 在特征和性质方面仍存在二元论,也同样令人迷惑不解。
But when empiricism becomes reflective and logically consistent, it turns its arms against this dualism in the ultimate and highest species of fact; it denies the independence of the thinking principle and of a spiritual world which develops itself in thought. 但这种反思的,逻辑上有了一贯原则的经验论,就要反对这种有最后最高内容的二元论,并且否认思想原则和从思想中发展出来的精神世界的独立性。
Another problem commonly thrown at dualism hinges on the causal closure principle, the causal closure of physics. 关于二元论另一个常见问题则取决于因果关系的完结原理,因果关系的物理完结。
So I think it's a very nice attempt to discuss the physicalist alternative to Plato's dualism. 因此我认为这是个好的尝试,讨论与二元论不同的观点。
The nature of a state is a social man rather than an economic man, with a dualism of being both self-interested and altruistic. 国家的本性不是经济人,而是社会人,具有利己和利他的双重性。
This dualism is basis and conditions of development and progress of human society. 生产与消费的二重性是人类社会发展进步的基础和条件。
Epoch Crisis in the Controversy between International Law and Municipal Law A Reflection on Approaches of Monism and Dualism 国际法与国内法关系论争的时代危机&对一元论和二元论进路的反思
In view of the "dualism" in Stalin's viewpoints, dialectical and objective comments must be made on them. 斯大林的世界历史观具有内容和影响上的“双重性”,因此我们也要对其进行辩证地看持和客观地评价。
For example, in Platonism, especially of this time, you have a strong emphasis of a dualism of body and soul or body and spirit. 比方说柏拉图主义,尤其在当时,非常着重强调肉体与灵魂,或者肉体与精神的二元论。
Capitalistic private ownership and market economy define the dualism of capitalist economy, that is, private and sociality. 资本主义私有制和市场经济共同决定了资本主义经济的两重性,即私人性和社会性。
In the theories on the relation of international law and municipal law, there is monism and dualism which can get supports from practices separately. 在国际法与国内法的关系问题上,存在着一元论和二元论。
Western dualism values mind over body. 西方二元论认为精神比肉体重要。
The theory which maintains an immediate perception of the non-ego he calls natural dualism or natural realism. 该理论还保持著一个切身感受非自我-他称之为自然的二元论或自然写实。
Ignoring the facts of dualism and radical free will is anti-empirical and unscientific. 无视二元论和激进自由论的事实是和经验和科学相悖的。
Although the natural value theory of non-anthropocentric environment ethics has a certain impact to the basic idea of the philosophical axiology, it can't tell the difference between physical world and value world as the philosophical axiology does, thus sinking into the predicament of dualism. 摘要非人类中心主义环境伦理学的自然价值论,虽然对哲学价值论的基本观念有一定的冲击,但不能从哲学价值论的高度来区分物理世界和价值世界,陷入了二元论困境。
Magee: Obviously that means not only that you reject idealism but also that you reject dualism. 显而易见,你反对唯心主义,而且也反对二元论。
He seeks a dualism such as mind and matter. 他探索诸如精神与物质之类的二元性。
Dualism in its widest sense seems to be an inherent and ineradicable tendency of the Iranian mind. 二元论在其最广泛的意义似乎是一种固有的,根深蒂固的趋势伊朗铭记。
From the perspective of dualism, Plato regards the body and the soul as two opposing sides. 柏拉图从二元论角度,把身体和灵魂看成了对立的两面。
Dualism and monism are two major schools of thought that attempt to resolve the mind – body problem. 二元论和一元论是两个主要的尝试解决心身问题的思想流派。
The Contradictory Dualism of "Loneliness" in The Heart is A Lonely Hunter 《心是孤独的猎手》中孤独的矛盾双重性
The feeling experience and the abstract thinking, independent and, human body and soul the aspect and so on the object dualities are the important roots which the philosophy dualism produces. 摘要感觉经验与抽象思维、主体性和客体性、肉体与灵魂等方面的二重性是哲学二元论产生的重要根源。
Leap from Dualism to Duality: Decoding New Rules of Sociological Method by Giddens 从二元性到二重性的飞跃&对吉登斯《社会学方法的新规则》的解读
He was a believer in dualism for both fatalism and causality. 他是因果与宿命的二元论者。
There's also a spatial dualism. 第二种是空间的二元论。
This pape tries to quest for the development process of Giddens's idea from dualism to duality. 探寻吉登斯从二元性到二重性飞跃的轨迹对当前社会科学研究具有重要意义。
And the sickness is more directly expressed in; our tendency towards a value dualism; our faith in opposite values. 这缺陷更直接地表达于我们,对价值二元论的趋势中;,我们对相反价值的信念。
So Descartes arguments for dualism are not actually particularly strong ones. 这么看来事实上笛卡尔关于二元论的论据并不特别强而有力。
For Jung, dualism and monism were not mutually contradictory and exclusive, but complimentary aspects of reality. 作为容格,二元论和一元论并不是互相地对立和排外的,而是实相的连续外貌。