One slip on this mountain and you will fall into the abyss. And then the proud and smirking Poet and Maker falls ten thousand feet ito dubiety. 在这座山上一失足便会跌入万丈深渊。于是傲慢、自满而痴笑的堂堂诗人跌进了怀疑的万丈深渊。
But if diminutive of dubiety of coronary heart disease moves electrocardiogram test result is positive, the possibility with its electropositive holiday is larger. 但是冠心病可疑性小的人假如运动心电图试验结果阳性,其假阳性的可能性较大。
Isabella wanted the nation's spiritual life to be as free from dubiety as its legal system. 伊莎贝拉希望,国家的精神生活犹如法律制度那样不容任何置疑。
The most effective precautions against professional risks are to acquire and apply the concepts of professional prudence and dubiety to enhance the awareness of accountability. 牢固树立并全面实施职业谨慎和职业怀疑理念,加强受托责任意识,是防范职业风险的根本。
The dubiety between each moving elements and the hand of the robot in the space is studied, which lays a foundation to the trace programming and simulation later. 分析了机械手各个运动构件与末端执行器在空间的位置关系,为轨迹规划和仿真奠定了基础。