Even in the 19th century, Charles Duell, patent commissioner of the United States, reportedly remarked that everything that can be invented already has been invented. 据报道,早在19世纪,美国专利局的专员查尔斯·迪尤尔(CharlesDuell)就声称所有能发明的东西,都已经发明出来了。
Clearly, if Duell said such a thing, he was way off. The 20th and 21st centuries have seen enormous booms in ingenuity. 如果迪尤尔当时确实说过这话,那他显然错的很离谱,因为在20世纪和21世纪,人类创造力空前繁荣,发明出了许许多多精妙的东西。
Everything that can be invented, has been invented.& Charles Duell. 任何能被发明的东西,都已发明了。&查尔斯。迪尤尔。