They recalled his obsessive approach to saving money-including never putting the heating on, eating for free at churches and relying on the same duffel coat for years. 他们回忆了休伊特对守财的痴迷,包括从不安装暖气,在教堂蹭吃蹭喝,以及常年穿一件粗呢大衣。
To a casual observer Mr Hewitt, who died 14 months ago, may have appeared virtually destitute in his trademark duffel coat, ill-fitting trousers and canvas pumps, as he sold newspapers on the streets. 乍一看,休伊特似乎穷困潦倒。他在街上卖报时,身穿标志性的粗呢大衣和不合身的裤子,脚蹬一双帆布鞋。休伊特在14个月之前去世。
When she drew the first picture of Fifi, the little bunny was wearing a lovely red duffel coat with big buttons. 当她画菲菲的第一张图时,这只小兔子穿着一件有着大纽扣的可爱的红色粗呢上衣。
From car trunks and duffel bags and hard plastic carrying cases, out come the drones& from small quad-rotors to massive eight-armed octo-copters in varying shapes and sizes. 人们纷纷从汽车后备箱、背包和硬塑料行李箱中取出无人机&从小型四旋翼到大型八臂八旋翼直升机,形状和尺寸各异。
From the frozen duffel he pulls matches, Vaseline and zinc ointment. Then he starts screaming: YEAAAAA! AAAAHHH! 他从冰冷的粗呢旅行袋中掏出火柴、凡士林油和氧化锌药膏,然后开始欢呼:耶~~~!
Terminal B was bustling with college kids fleeing town for the long Memorial Day weekend: backpacks, baggy jeans, baseball caps, duffel bags. 出口B挤满了出去过MemorialDay周末出城的大学生:背着后背包,松松垮垮牛仔裤,棒球帽,粗布包。
He threw his stuff in a duffel bag and left. 他把随身用品丢人圆筒状行李袋,然后离开了。
But before boarding a recent flight, Mary did something particularly crazy: She packed her laptop in her checked bag, a canvas duffel that also contained shoes, clothes, and toiletries. 最近一次坐飞机,她却做一件尤为疯狂的事:她将一台笔记本电脑放到要检查的行李包中。那是一只帆布粗呢袋子。里面还装了鞋子,衣服,和化妆品。
Two people with Duffel bags. 两个背着野营包的人。
Police found 86 human skulls in a duffel bag at a bus stop in the eastern part of India. 警方在印度东部的一个公车站牌处发现一个圆筒状帆布袋,里面装着八十六具头颅。
Duffel/ duffle bag I wear Large,@ says Li Ping. 行李袋[圆形大帆布袋]我穿大号的,李平说。
The duffel coat looked incongruous with the black dress she wore underneath. 粗呢外套看起来与她下身穿的黑裙子不很协调。
A large black suitcase, and a medium gray duffel bag. 一个大型的黑色皮箱,还有中型的灰色圆筒旅行袋。
Come up and pack my duffel. 上来把我的露营用具打一下包。
Kevin slung the duffel bag over his shoulder and jammed the purple chips into his pockets. 凯文把这个破粗布袋子背在肩膀上,又把剩余的紫色筹码一股脑塞进衣兜里。