Crouching by a pATient cow AT daybreak in the lush field, a witch on her toadstool, her wrinkled fingers quick AT the squirting dugs. 拂晓时分,在绿油油的牧场里,她蹲在耐心的母牛旁边,一个坐在毒菌上的巫婆,她的皱巴巴的指头敏捷地挤那喷出奶汁的乳头。
The Dugs were demilitarized, stripped of political power, and pushed to the fringe of their own planet. 达格人被解除武装,剥夺政治权力,驱逐到了自己星球的边缘地带。
Penetration of Antimicrobial Dugs into Human Pancreas 7种抗菌药物人胰腺渗透率的研究