Rafferty believes that Dumas 'secret lay in turning the big political powers like the king and the queen into minor roles. 拉弗蒂相信大仲马的秘诀在于,国王和王后这些掌握政治强权的人在他笔下成了小角色。
Dumas admits that his approach wouldn` t work if everyone did it. 当然,杜马斯也承认,如果人人都这么做,也许这个方法就不会奏效了。
Terrence Rafferty of The New York Times holds that Dumas 'instinctive irreverence toward power may be the most important reason for his lasting appeal. 《纽约时报》的特伦斯拉弗蒂认为,大仲马对于强权存在一种本能的傲慢,或许这正是该他魅力不败的最重要原因。
While the specifics of what Dumas told me may be hard to confirm, the fact remains that a young adult could conceivably infiltrate a college campus without paying tuition. 虽然杜马斯故事的细节有待考证,但是一个年轻人能够不付学费就混进大学已是事实。
There might be a better interest in not paying tuition and keeping that money to travel the world and launch a business than having your diploma in philosophy from, I don` t know, Johns Hopkins, Dumas says. 杜马斯说,他们可以省下学费,用这些钱去环游世界或是创业,而不是在约翰霍普金斯大学里拿一个哲学文凭。
He and Mr. Dumas selected 20 images to turn into scarves. 他和迪马挑选了20幅图片,在此基础上设计丝巾。
It came as a sort of antidote to the much more showy work of Jean Paul Gaultier, who had been hired by the former chief executive Jean-Louis Dumas. 这似乎与前任首席执行官让-路易斯·杜马(Jean-LouisDumas)雇佣的让·保罗·高缇耶(JeanPaulGaultier)正好相反,高缇耶的作品要艳丽得多。
If you want to start taking classes at an Ivy League university unenrolled and undetected, says Guillaume Dumas, a 28-year-old Canadian, start with big lecture courses. 如果你想要混进常春藤大学里蹭课而不被发现,那么就从人多的大课开始&这正是今年28岁的加拿大蹭课大神纪尧姆•杜马斯的建议。
This will be the first real test of Axel Dumas, the chief executive who took the reins this year, and his strategic plans for the brand. 这将是对今年上任的首席执行官阿克塞尔·杜马(AxelDumas)以及他的品牌战略的第一个真正考验。
Charles Dumas, chairman of the London-based consultancy Lombard Street research, says capital flowing into emerging markets is more to do with investors escaping dismal returns in the rich economies than any well-founded confidence about growth. 伦敦朗伯德街研究咨询公司(lombardstreetresearch)主席查尔斯杜马斯(charlesdumas)表示,流入新兴市场的资本,更多的是因为投资者要逃避富裕经济体的低迷回报,而非他们对增长具有依据充足的信心。
His uncle introduced him into literary circles and he started to published plays under the influence of such writers as Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas ( fils). 凡尔纳在叔叔的引荐下进入了文学界,在维克多·雨果以及亚历山大·小仲马等作家的影响下开始发表剧本。
Meaning: Pushed by Dumas, Jules determined to write something about geography as Dumas had written novels in the field of history. 儒勒在这位长老的敦促下,下定决心向大仲马选定历史题材写小说一样,他要写地理题材的小说。
From the viewpoint of French Glaymas structuralist semiotic, we analyze the love story and the deep significance of Dumas of Dumas novel the fallen woman with the theory of narrative grammar. 从法国叙事学家格雷玛斯的结构主义符号学的观点出发,运用其叙事语法的主要理论,分析法国著名作家小仲马的小说《茶花女》中的爱情故事及其深层的意义。
The famous French writer Dumas Sr. once wrote that Dumas Jr. was his masterpiece. 法国大文豪大仲马曾经写道,他的儿子小仲马是他的杰作。
Application of Dumas Combustion Method for Nitrogen Analysis on Agricultural Products 杜马斯燃烧定氮法在农产品品质检测中的应用
It was concluded that Dumas method can be used as a regular method for determination of nitrogen contents in feedstuffs or diets. 杜马斯燃烧法可以作为测定动物饲料和饲粮含氮量的常规方法。
Mr Dumas was anxious to float Herm è s because some family members wanted to liquidate their holdings and a listing would avoid them squabbling over the value of their shares. 杜迈急于让爱马仕上市,因为一些家族成员希望将所持股份变现,而上市可以防止他们就股票价值发生争吵。
The use of Hong Kong-style action provided a justification for revisiting Alexandre Dumas ', much-filmed "Three Musketeers" tale, Hyams says. 许亚姆斯说,使用香港风格的动作给了他重拍《三个火枪手》的理由。
Indeed, Charles Dumas of London-based Lombard Street Research argues that euro membership has encouraged Germany into a costly mercantilist strategy at the expense of its people and the productivity of the economy. 事实上,伦敦朗伯德街研究公司(LombardStreetResearch)的查尔斯杜马斯(CharlesDumas)指出,欧元区成员国身份鼓励德国采取了代价高昂的重商主义战略,牺牲了国民利益,损害了经济的生产率。
A consequence, Charles Dumas of Lombard Street research points out, is that the US requirement for foreign inflows is shrinking along with its current account deficit. 朗伯德街研究公司(lombardstreetresearch)的查尔斯杜马(charlesdumas)指出,其后果之一就是美国对外资流入的需求,正随着其经常项目赤字一道缩减。
Mr Dumas died this year after an acute illness but he had passed the baton four years ago to an outsider Patrick Thomas to run the company for the first time in its history. 杜迈于今年因重病辞世,但他四年前就已经将接力棒传给了帕特里克托马斯(patrickthomas)由一位外来者掌管公司,这在爱马仕的历史上还是首次。
Comparison of Kjeldahl and Dumas Combustion Methods for Determination of Nitrogen Content in Feedstuffs 杜马斯燃烧法与凯氏法测定饲料含氮量的比较研究
Alexandre Dumas Alexandre Dumas was born near Paris in1802. 大仲马1802年,大仲马(即亚历山大·仲马)出生于法国巴黎附近。
That's very simple& it's other people's money. ( Alexandre Dumas, French novelist) 那太简单了&叫别人掏钱包。
"The Lady of the Camellias" is a novel and drama created by the French writer and playwright Alexandre Dumas ( Fils) in the nineteenth century, based on which the Italian opera composer Giuseppe Verdi wrote his work with the name "La Traviata". 《茶花女》是十九世纪法国作家、戏剧家小仲马创作的小说和话剧,意大利歌剧作曲家威尔第据此创作了歌剧。
The first is Dumas 'view of history. 一是大仲马的历史观。
Alexandre Dumas is one of the best popular historical novelists in France. 大仲马是法国著名的历史通俗小说家。