Besides, abandoned island can stop parents from abandoning baby in dumpster or toilet, which is a crime. 再者,弃婴岛能够阻止父母把婴儿丢在垃圾箱或者厕所里,这是犯罪。
Leave your smaller trash cans or wastepaper baskets unlined and dump you trash directly into your large garbage cans or dumpster. 不要在你自己的小号垃圾桶或废纸篓里套塑料袋,直接把垃圾扔进大号的垃圾桶或垃圾箱里。
At times, you have to be something of an online, digital "dumpster diver" to find the information you want; if you are lucky, one of the search engines or Wolfram may turn up the tidbit for you. 在很多时候,为了找到所需的信息,您需要成为一位在线的数字淘宝者,如果您幸运,某个搜索引擎(比如Wolfram)可能会找到一点线索。
After a skull and decomposing hands are found in a dumpster, the team must not only solve the crime but also search for the rest of the victim's remains. 垃圾桶里发现了个头骨和腐烂的手,这下不但要破案,还得先找到其它的残骸。
No job is guaranteed, so I live as if I could be fired at any time. Manhattan, she said, is a gold mine for Dumpster divers. 没有哪个工作是铁饭碗,所以我以这样的方式过活,这样就算是被解雇了我也有所准备。她说对于以捡垃圾为生的人们,曼哈顿是一座金矿。
I found him by the dumpster. 我在一个垃圾箱旁发现了他。
But how did she end up in the dumpster? 但为什么会死在这里呢?
Like you're going to take dumpster duty alone. 你对这种事最积极的了。
It was a ciean strike against the dumpster. 真的只是撞着了垃圾桶。
Did you look in the dumpster? 你往垃圾罐里面看了吗?
But three of us would meet behind the dumpster and learn french. 但我们三个可以在垃圾房后见面学习法语。
There are plenty of dumpster diver that would love to get a hold of your personal information. 我们有很多垃圾潜水员将爱情得到掌握你的个人信息。
I dove that dumpster at joe's stone crab. “乔记石蟹馆”那回可是我钻的。
All right, are you ready for a little dumpster diving? 好吧,你要进去勘察一下吗?
Later, I realized I'd crossed through the complex to my car and the dumpster many times, and arranged my deck overlooking the parking lot, without ever donning shorts. 后来我发现我在我的车和垃圾箱之间走了好多趟,还收拾了俯瞰停车场的阳台,却连条短裤都没穿。
If either the size limit or time limit is reached, messages will be removed from the transport dumpster queue by order of first in, first out. 如果达到了大小限制或时间限制,将按照先进先出顺序从传输转储程序队列中删除邮件。
Industry experts say similar dumpster diving is a common form of industrial espionage. 行业专家说,翻找垃圾是工业间谍的惯用伎俩。
He says he found it in a dumpster. 他说他在垃圾堆找到这个。
Dumpster and a sledgehammer were available for items that couldn't be shredded, which included an old computer and a tin of fattening office snacks. 此外,活动组织方还准备了一个大型垃圾箱和一把长柄锤,用来对付那些不能粉碎的物品,例如旧电脑和让人发胖的办公室盒装零食等。
Out of a dumpster behind a gentleman's club. 从一个绅士俱乐部后面的垃圾箱里拉出来。
Did she confess to putting his clothes in that dumpster? 她供认了是她把衣服丢进垃圾箱的么?
Was found in a dumpster earlier this morning. 今天早上在一个垃圾桶里被发现了。
There's a big dumpster out back. 后面有一个很大的垃圾罐。
Good defense attorney'll just says they found the baby in the dumpster. 律师只是说他们在垃圾箱里找到了婴儿。
I threw the ball in a dumpster. 我把球扔垃圾箱了。
Somebody's head is in my dumpster. 我垃圾箱里有个人头。
You're better off throwing your money in the dumpster. 你最好不要再把钱往这里面扔了。
The deleted mailbox is still in the dumpster. 已删除的邮箱仍在dumpster中。
Why did you order such a large dumpster? 你干嘛订这么大一个垃圾箱?