Wang: Yes, here they are. Customs officer: anything dutiable? 王:好的,给您。海关官员:有什么需要纳税的吗?
I'm not bringing any dutiable articles this time. 我这一次没有带什么应税物品。
The liquor is dutiable goods; 则该等酒类即为应课税货品;
Have you anything dutiable? No, these are only personal effects. 您有应缴税的东西吗?&没有,这是我的个人用品。
Declare dutiable goods to what the tax authority opens an industry system. 到税务机关开通企业的报税系统。
Charges by warehouse-keepers for storing or moving dutiable goods shall not exceed such as the Commissioner may approve. 保税仓管理人贮存或移动应课税货品的收费,不得超逾总监所批准者。
Removal Permit for Dutiable Goods 应课税品搬运许可证
Detain and sell off dutiable goods or other properties valued at that tax payable and withhold tax from the proceeds. 扣留并依法变卖其价值相当于应纳税款的货物或者其他财产,以变卖所得抵缴税款。
But not the0 words that declare dutiable goods, I am did not get money really, somebody is about I change retail trade into service line of business, how should be I operated then? 但是不零报税的话,我是真的没有收到钱,有人就要我把零售业改成服务业,那我该怎么操作呢?
Hello! Amylum originates from UK is dutiable under the most-faored? Nation rate. 您好!进口原产地为英国的改性淀粉适用最惠国税率征收关税。
No, I have not get any dutiable thing with me. 没有,我没带应交税的东西。
To support better public accountability, the Department regularly reviews the quality of its services with three customer liaison groups connected with air cargo, sea cargo and dutiable commodities. 为了更能对公众负责,该署更定期与3个分别关注空运货物、海运货物及应课税品的顾客联络小组举行会议,检讨服务质素。
They tried to cheat the Customs by not declaring dutiable goods. 他们试图通过不报应纳税货物来蒙骗海关。
For outside purchased white spirits made from more than two kinds of alcohol, the tax rate used shall be the highest tax rate of the alcohol. The department collects revenue from four categories of dutiable commodities: alcoholic beverages, tobacco, hydrocarbon oil and methyl alcohol. 外购两种以上酒精生产的白酒,一律从高确定税率征税。香港海关负责征收4类应课税品的税项,计为含酒精饮料、烟草、碳氢油类及甲醇酒精。
The keeper of any general bonded warehouse or public bonded warehouse shall admit any dutiable goods into his warehouse at the request of any holder of a permit in that behalf. 如任何许可证持有人为此提出要求,则任何一船保税仓或公众保税仓的管理人即须将任何应课税货品收纳入其保税仓内。
A: This is a dutiable article. 这件物品应该交税。
Is it dutiable under the most – favored – nation rates or the ordinary tax rate? 请问适用最惠国税率还是普通税率?
Does excuse me first time contact declare dutiable goods what problem should note? 请问第一次接触报税要注重什么问题呢?
Yes, they are subject to the city property tax. Have you anything dutiable? 应该缴纳城市房地产税。您有应缴税的东西吗?
Except with the written permission of the Commissioner nothing other than dutiable goods shall be stored in a warehouse. 除获总监书面准许外,不得在保税仓内贮存应课税货品以外的任何东西。
No container of dutiable goods shall be opened except under the supervision of a member of the customs and Excise Service unless the Commissioner gives permission to the contrary in any particular case. 除在香港海关人员的监督下,不得开启盛载应课税货品的容器,但如总监就任何个别情况给予准许则除外。
In August of that year, the US imposed a 10 per cent tariff on dutiable imports, having wearied of imbalances caused by pegged currencies in Japan, France and Britain. 那年8月,美国在对日本、法国和英国的盯住货币政策所导致的失衡忍无可忍后,对可以征收关税的进口商品开征了10%的关税。
The department collects revenue from four categories of dutiable commodities: alcoholic beverages, tobacco, hydrocarbon oil and methyl alcohol. 香港海关负责征收4类应课税品的税项,计为含酒精饮料、烟草、碳氢油类及甲醇酒精。
Familiar with making singly, keep accounts, check out, make financial statement and statistical report form, declare dutiable goods, verify the receipt; 熟悉制单,记帐,结帐,制作财务报表及统计报表,报税,审核报销凭证;
How does ability learn to declare dutiable goods, which a few kinds of duty should miniature pay taxes sign up for? 怎样才能学会报税呢,小规模纳税要报哪几种税呢?
Have you got anything dutiable in your trunks? 您这些箱子里有要纳税的东西吗?
All goods in a factory shall be stored to the satisfaction of the Commissioner and manufactured goods shall be stored apart from unmanufactured goods and dutiable goods shall be stored apart from duty-paid goods. 工厂内所有货品的贮存均须达致总监满意的程度,已制成的货品与未制成的货品须分开贮存,应课税货品与已完税货品亦须分开贮存。
In August 1971 the US adopted a 10 per cent tariff on dutiable imports to induce Japan and several European countries to allow their currencies to float. 1971年8月,美国对应税进口品开始征10%的关税,以促使日本和一些欧洲国家允许其货币自由浮动。