Objective To evaluate echocardiography in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of Ebstein anomaly, absence of tricuspid valve and dysphasia of tricuspid valve. 目的总结超声心动图准确诊断及鉴别诊断三尖瓣下移畸形、三尖瓣缺如及三尖瓣发育不全的问题并提出改进意见。
Objective: To investigate the efficacy of acupuncture and rehabilitation training on dysphasia after stroke. 目的:观察针刺结合综合康复疗法对脑卒中后吞咽障碍患者的临床疗效。
The clinical observation of using the dysphasia physiotherapy table to treat the dysphasia 吞咽障碍理疗仪治疗吞咽障碍的临床观察
Dysphasia may develop as a result of vascular, neoplastic, traumatic, infective or degenerative disease of the cerebrum when language areas are involved. 大脑语言区内的血管疾病、肿瘤、创伤、感染或退化性疾病都可能会造成失语症。
Clinical Observations on Acupuncture Treatment of 68 Patients with Postapoplectic Dysphasia 针刺治疗中风后语言障碍68例临床观察
Tenderness and dysphasia could be used to observe disease activity. 临床上是否出现吞咽困难和肌痛可用于疾病活动性的观察。
Effects of communication method improvement on patients with stroke dysphasia 改进沟通方法对脑卒中语言障碍患者抑郁程度的影响
In the 10 cases underwent general anesthesia, 7 had tumor total resection, 3 had partial resection, and 3 cases suffered from post operational dysphasia. 在接受全麻的10例患者中,7例获全切除,3例获大部分切除,术后3例出现语言功能障碍。
The items of disease differentiation should include hemiparalysis, deviation of the eye and mouth, stiff tongue, dysphasia or aphasia and CT findings. 辨病可见半身不遂、口舌歪斜、舌强语蹇或不语,CT检查符合缺血性中风改变;
ConclusionsImproving communication methods can decrease the depressive level of the patients with stroke dysphasia. 结论改善沟通可以降低脑卒中语言障碍患者抑郁程度。
The research on mesoporous molecular sieves catalyze cyclohexene oxidation was summarized inland and overseas, included metal ion doping, organo-molecule modification, anchorage dysphasia and metal complex, etc. 综述了国内外对介孔分子筛催化环氧化环己烯的研究进展,主要包括金属离子掺杂、有机分子修饰、固载金属氧化物和金属络合物等方面。
Clinical Study on Acupuncture Treatment of Dysphasia in 80 Hypophrenia Children 针刺治疗智力迟缓儿童语言障碍80例临床研究
Dysphasia occurred after the operation in the 6 patients, of whom, 3 recovered from dysphasia and 3 did not completely during the follow-up. 手术后6例发生不同程度的语言障碍,其中1例随访至今未完全恢复,2例有轻度障碍,其余在短期内均恢复。
To discuss the properties of disorder by observing the characteristics of dysphasia and imaging data for 10 cases of aphasia with injury of the left basal ganglia area. 对10例以左侧基底节损伤为主的失语症患者的语言障碍特点及影像学资料进行多方位的总结和讨论。