Properties of coherent radiation of millimeter wave generated by a intense rotating annular relativistic electron beam ( E-layer) which is from a cusp magnetic field are investigated. 本文研究由跃变磁场产生的绕轴高速旋转的电子束环(E层)产生毫米波相干辐射的特性。
When eliminating the contribution of regular E-layers, the intensity of sporadic E-layer is slightly positively correlated with the yearly averaged sunspots number in daytime and negatively correlated at night. The correlation coefficient has a regular diurnal or semi-diurnal variation pattern. 消除了背景E层电子密度的作用后,ES层的强度在白天与太阳活动呈微弱的正相关,在夜间呈负相关,其相关系数有比较规则的周日变化或半日变化。
In this paper, experimental formulae of the critical frequencies of the E-layer in mid-latitudes and of the distribution of electron density in the lower ionosphere are found. These formulae are expressed in terms of the sunspots number, the solar zenith angle and the local time. 本文给出了计算中纬E层临界频率(f(0E))和低电离层的电子密度分布与太阳天顶角、太阳黑子数、地方时之间关系的经验公式。
Phenomenon Sporadic E-layer always attracts the attention of lots of experts. 电离层突发E层(Es)现象一直受到广大学者的关注。