Jamie e-mailed me to say he couldn't come 杰米给我发了电子邮件,说他不能来了。
I recently e-mailed one website to enquire why my goods had not yet arrived. 我最近给一个网站发邮件去询问为什么我订购的商品还没有到达。
Even applications that display or edit local files ( such as word processors) have to be secured, because sometimes users will display or edit data e-mailed to them. 甚至那些显示或编辑本地文件的应用程序(如字处理器)都必须受到保护,因为有时用户将显示或编辑以电子邮件方式发送给他们的数据。
The user is then typically e-mailed or told of their new password via a phone call. 然后,用户通常通过电子邮件或电话得知新密码。
Perhaps you simply e-mailed the contents of the form to yourself or displayed another HTML page with whatever information the user entered. 或许您只不过是将表单内容用电子邮件发送给了自己,或者在另一个HTML页中显示了用户所输入的信息。
Copies of the tape were e-mailed among some Bangladeshis last week before it spread more widely over the Internet. 那段录音上星期被以电邮在孟加拉国人民中流传,之后又被广泛在互联网上散布。
This time someone e-mailed a form with instructions to return it with a fax of my passport. 这次,有人通过电子邮件发给我一份表格,要求我把护照传真和表格一起返回去。
Control to enable users to have a new or recovered password e-mailed to them. 控件使用户能够在电子邮件中收到他们的新密码或恢复密码。
I e-mailed a JPEG to your techs. 我把图像传给了你的技术员。
( I e-mailed a website instead.) I may talk a good game on hotels, but I have no intention of running a full-service establishment. (我用电子邮件告诉了他网址。)我可以对酒店品头论足,但我无意创办一家提供全方位服务的酒店。
Right-click the job and choose Start Job, and if you have set everything up correctly your report will be e-mailed to you. 右键单击该作业并选择StartJob,如果您已正确地设置了您报表的方方面面,您的报表将会发送电子邮件给您。
The auction house denied wrongdoing in an e-mailed statement. 佳士得在一份电子邮件声明中否认有任何不当行为。
He knows about this corner. I e-mailed him. 他知道这个地方,我给他发了电子邮件。
We believe this will help us provide new opportunities for advertisers, which will further enhance our search business in China, the company said in an e-mailed statement. 该公司在一封电子邮件声明中表示:我们相信,这将有助于我们为广告客户提供新的机遇,进一步加强我们在中国的搜索业务。
Select a format to use for e-mailed report. 请选择发送电子邮件报表的格式。
They have all been blogged and e-mailed to death. 他们都已经受够了博客和电子邮件。
E-mailed requests will not be responded to by return email. 被发电子邮件的请求不会反应由回归电子邮件。
They can be moved, copied to make backups, or even e-mailed to other users. 它们可以移动、复制以制作备份,或者甚至通过电子邮件发送给其他用户。
Six times she tried, but no response. So she e-mailed the chief executive to complain. 她尝试了六次都没有回音,于是就给CEO发电子邮件抱怨。
Well Tom just e-mailed them to you. 汤姆刚用电子邮件发给你了。
A court clerk accidentally e-mailed the transcript of a closed pretrial hearing to seven media organizations. 法庭一名书记员无意间将闭门预审的文字记录通过电子邮件透露给了七家新闻机构。
Many restaurateurs are struggling, including one who recently e-mailed to say that this recession was different from the three others he had worked through because "it has proved to be so sharp and, so far, bottomless". 许多餐馆都在苦苦支撑着,最近一个人在电子邮件中对我说,本轮经济衰退与他经历过的另外三次有所不同,因为“它是如此严重和(迄今来看)深不可测”。
Meanwhile, the US embassy e-mailed me to tell me to avoid travelling to Lebanon. 与此同时,美国大使馆发电子邮件告诉我,要避免去黎巴嫩旅行。
While I had the technician on the Ie, I e-mailed him a PDF of my abortive scan. 当我在与技术人员交谈的时候,我给他发了一封我异常中断扫描仪的PDF文档。
Only later did I discover he e-mailed dozens of others, to build buzz. 只是后来我发现,他给好几十个人都发了同样的邮件,以求造势。
The Fail-Safe Operator chosen will not be paged, e-mailed or notified by net-send. Are you sure this is what you want? 所选择的防故障操作员将不会通过网络呼叫接到呼叫、电子邮件或通知。确实要这样操作吗?
All information will be sent to us automatically. You will not be phoned, e-mailed, or contacted in any other way. 所有信息将自动发送给我们。我们不会通过电话、电子邮件或任何其他方式与您联系。
Because I e-mailed photos of them to the manager. 因为我把他们的照片传给了酒店经理。